Goals and Spending

Supplier Diversification Program Goals

  • Create a new diverse supplier procurement model for Seattle University
  • Increase the capacity of local BIPOC small business owners to contract with large local purchasers
  • Build an ecosystem of comprehensive small business support services
  • Create a pipeline of inclusive procurement purchasing
  • Increase the number of DBEs providing goods and services to Seattle University
  • Disseminate lessons learned

To achieve our goals of increasing procurement spending with DBEs and annually doubling the number of DBE, BIPOC and Black vendors contracted, Seattle University plans to:

  • Identify diverse business enterprises (DBEs) and designate them in the internal procurement system; work with the RAMP.up program to bring more DBE suppliers to the university; include DBEs in all RFP’s over $50,000; track spending with DBEs; and regularly share DBE spending percentages.
  • Develop a supplier diversity model, including analyzing current vendors and spending; developing procedures and a procurement system that facilitate diverse purchasing; and sharing best practices with like-minded institutions.
  • We will pursue BIPOC community engagement through utilizing and strengthening our BIPOC network to help with the procurement readiness pilot; reaching out to local BIPOC and especially Black community leaders to initiate networking; and hiring consultants from the community to compliment internal leadership.


Janie Ng

