Earth Talks 2021-Keynote Donna Moodie

Donna Moodie, Executive Director of the Capitol Hill EcoDistrict & Executive Vice President of Community Development at Community Roots Housing; owner of Marjorie Restaurant in Seattle's Central Area.

Donna brings years of engagement in her community to the Capitol Hill EcoDistrict. A creative and inspiring community leader, Donna navigates the complex crossroads of art, commerce, government and the environment to develop transformational and sustainable solutions to a wide range of chronic community challenges. Having established herself as a trailblazing restaurateur, in recent years Donna has grown increasingly active in Seattle civic life, advocating for small business, and participating in many boards and committees. Recently tasked with leading the Capitol Hill EcoDistrict as its Executive Director, she works closely with her team and the organization to challenge the status quo and build environmental resilience in an inclusive fashion. As a consultant, Donna has advised food business startups and architects on diversity and inclusion. Donna is known for her ability to cut through red tape and bring diverse stakeholder groups to drive positive change. Born in Jamaica, raised in Chicago, and now a resident of Seattle for over 20 years, Donna is well acquainted with the interconnectedness of social justice, community building, and neighborhood activism. Donna was named one of the Puget Sound Business Journal’s 2020 Women of Influence.

Earth Talk presentation: Everyday Environmentalism

The focus of my presentation will be about, not only how the average person can be a champion against the Climate Crisis, but how the movement can be diverse and also welcoming to folks who might be slowish to understanding what their role is, but incredibly valuable to the movement. I’d like to highlight some seemingly simple acts of preservation, economy, resilience, and conservation contribute greatly to a movement that cannot only consist of wealthy, white members.  The movement doesn’t have to belong to people of a certain class, socio-economic or educational background.  It’s a people’s movement, and we can ignite growth. I hope to share the story of a few contributors.