Welcome to the Religica Theolab!

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Religica Theoloab: Our Purpose & SU Strategic Goals

Drawing upon religious traditions, spiritual pathways and indigenous wisdom, the Religica Theolab also works alongside local to international allies to create new ways of communicating the strongest values within these traditions. We work with the United Nations Environment Program, Councils of Churches in the world, the Parliament of the World’s Religions, Church World Service, and additional NGOs. We endeavor alongside ecumenical partners toward achieving shared aims.” Aligned to SU Strategic goals, we are reimagining, revising, strengthening, enhancing, and repositioning for growth. Our purpose is where mission and vision meet every day.

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Center Studies & Newsletters

Image for Homelessness - A Center Engaged - 2020

Homelessness - A Center Engaged - 2020

From 2016-2019, The Center convened scholars, practitioners, and those who have experienced homelessness and shelterlessness, to provide insights on the complexities of these challenges. 

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Gratitude, Injury, and Repair - 2023

From 2020-2021, thirteen faculty met virtually to share perspectives, deliver papers and discuss the impact of what the cohort of scholars began referring to as a “pandemic age.” 

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Archived Newsletters

Visit for CEIE's archived newsletters, from 2021-2023. Up-to-date newsletters to be added to this page at the end of 2024, due to a Seattle University web freeze.

The Center's Guide & Religica Interfaith Sharing Series

Image for The Center's Guide - Faith for Earth

The Center's Guide - Faith for Earth

We are pleased to offer this Guide to Faith for Earth: A Call for Action, created through the Parliament of the World's Religions and the UN's Environmental Program, Faith for Earth Initiative.

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The Center's Guide - Seeking Wisdom Series

The Seeking Wisdom Series promotes the greening of wisdom by providing expertise across the university and community, with an emphasis upon the wisdom of faculty at Seattle University. 

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Interfaith Sharing Series: Dharma Talks

Join the CEIE Team in our Religica Theolab Interfaith Sharing Series for the 22-23 Academic Year.  This year we focus upon Dharma Talks!  Dharma is a form of teaching and brings multiple meanings from many traditions.

Religica Response Series

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Religica Response Series: Response to Violence

This Response Series will also take you to our Religica Theolab, where we have thorough resources on how community members can respond to acts of violence.

Image for Religica Response Series: Response to a Changing Climate

Religica Response Series: Response to a Changing Climate

This Response Series will take you to our Religica Theolab, where you will find an insightful resource on how community members can respond to our changing climate.

Student-Led Through Ignatian Discernment

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Student Stories

Visit our Student Video Series "Student Stories" on the Religica Theolab–a project of the Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement.

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At the RoundTable

Our RoundTable series will take you to our Religica Theolab, where students, staff, faculty, and allies gather to engage around topics that challenge us today, such as mental health and climate change.

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Center Soundings

A Sounding is a gathering at which we emphasize Ignatian discernment to critical issues impacting our lives. In this resource, you will further discover the meaning and importance of a Sounding and find archives of our past Soundings from 2020-2021.

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Sparking the Imagination

In this video series, we explore the ways in which we spark our imagination each month at the Center. From staying connected to creating harmony in our communities, we thrive through resilience and love. Watch our Imagining Our Future video from Fall 2022.

Resourcing Community and Classroom

CEIE is guided by the Ignatian commitment to religious literacy (General Congregation 34), where the joy of learning includes our whole humanity across all disciplines!   

The Center develops resources with a diversity of perspectives around challenges we face today in society. Every resource we create is shared across a robust social media platform and then poured into curriculum for use in classrooms and your community. We believe this is the best of constructive, public theology – to be alert, ready and responsive. 

In the squares above – you’ll see how CEIE collaborates with the United Nations Environment Program to focus on the religious response to climate destruction (Faith for Earth), and how Center students lead with interviews and monthly videos that spark imagination and conversation.  We enlist SU faculty to share their wisdom in our Seeking Wisdom Series, and we respond with multimedia resources to the challenges of our pandemic age through our Religica Theolab

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