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From the President

Dear Colleagues,

Today we launch Seattle University’s United Way of King County Charitable Campaign, and I invite your support in this important effort, which continues through Wednesday, Nov 23.

While the region we call home is blessed in so many ways, we know there are far too many among us who are struggling. Inflation and rising interest rates have combined with our already high cost of living to put many households in our community under stress. So many are hurting, and as a Jesuit university we are especially called upon to do our part to help.

In this spirit, I ask you to consider contributing what you can to Seattle University’s United Way campaign. You can give online by visiting the United Way of King County Campaign - Seattle University website. If you have questions about donating online please contact the United Way at 206-461-5005 or at If you have questions about donating through payroll deduction please contact Rita Lin at

At the same time, I recognize and understand that many are not in a position to participate in the campaign, because you are dealing with some of the same challenges I mentioned at the opening of this letter. Financial support is just one of many ways to address the critical needs in our community, and I know that many of our faculty and staff (and, of course, students) are generous in giving of their time and talents. Whatever form your involvement takes, please know I am grateful for your commitment to bettering the lives of those around you.

Our United Way campaigns have historically enjoyed great success thanks to those who have helped lead the effort as co-chairs and ambassadors. This year, we are trying a slightly different approach, and I am grateful that Vice President Edgar Gonzalez and Anne Moran from the President’s Office will lead our campaign with assistance from Rita Lin (Payroll). Over the next couple of weeks, we will be sharing information about the many United Way programs.

Thank you for considering this invitation to participate in Seattle University’s United Way of King County Campaign and for all that you do – everyday – for our students and university.


Eduardo M. Peñalver


In keeping with Seattle University’s mission of service and justice, our generous support of United Way goes back many decades—indeed, this relationship has been an important part of our history. Every year, with every dollar donated and every hour volunteered, we enable the United Way’s efforts to help students graduate, ensure families are financially stable, empower students to graduate and bring people together.

Our Stories

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United Way of King County Programs our Donations Support

Our donations help United Way of King County address the need throughout the community:

  • United Way has invested over $7.4M in feeding hungry kids and empowering families around King County.
  • United Way has served over 600,000 summer meals for county students and thousands of after-school meals per day.
  • United Way’s “Free Tax Preparation” program filed 23,200 tax returns in 2018, generating $31.6M in tax refunds to King County residents utilizing these services.

Contact Us

Edgar Gonzalez and Anne Moran
Seattle University's United Way of King County Campaign Co-Chairs

SU and UWKC logos