Mental Health First Aid Certification Offered Free to Faculty, Staff and Students

Posted: January 4, 2024

By: Wellness and Health Promotion

Jan. 19 and 26
Noon–4:30 p.m.
E-mail with questions or to register

Wellness and Health Promotion is excited to offer Mental Health First Aid training to any Seattle University student, faculty or staff member free of charge. Mental Health First Aid is an evidence-based program developed by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing.

Certified facilitators have trained more than three million people in U.S., and peer-reviewed studies offer strong evidence that Mental Health First Aiders are more knowledgeable and confident when it comes to identifying and helping an individual in distress. Mental Health First Aid uses community-specific scenarios, activities and videos to teach the skills needed to recognize and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges as well as how to provide initial support until appropriate professional help is received.

Participants must complete all nine hours of training to receive Mental Health First Aid certification. Space is limited to 15 participants. Please e-mail Dr. Chris Fiorello, director of Wellness and Health Promotion, at with any questions or to register.