Making the Most of Your Core Classes

Posted: February 2, 2022

By: Learning Assistance Programs

Wednesday, Feb. 9, 11:45-12:30 p.m. and 12:30-1:15 p.m.
Lemieux 366

With registration for Spring Quarter coming up soon, students may be wondering what courses to take, especially UCOR courses. This workshop will help them navigate the catalog to find UCOR classes that not only fit their schedule but their interests. Encourage students how to design a more meaningful Core experience, tailoring Core courses to learn how disciplines from across the university contribute knowledge to their future profession or using Core courses as a means of exploring and discerning what that future profession might be. Join Dr. Jeff Philpott (Director of the University Core), and Dr. Hilary Hawley (UCOR faculty and Director of Core Learning and Engagement programs), for this hands-on workshop and leave with specific courses to add to the course plan.

For more information, please e-mail