In Memoriam

Posted: December 13, 2021

Updated Jan. 4, 2022

Memorial Service
Thursday, Jan. 6, noon
Join via Zoom

Betsey Barker Klein, an SU alumna and honored staff retiree, passed away on Dec. 3. Betsey joined the university in 1974 to work in Premajor Studies (then known as the General Studies Department). During her 36 years at SU, Betsey was a valued colleague who served the university in a number of key leadership roles, including director of the Premajor Studies and Liberal Studies programs. 

Betsey was known and admired for her passion for high-quality academic advising and her strong advocacy for women’s issues. She worked to establish the Herstory celebration, the Women’s Center and the Women’s Studies major and minor. She co-directed the Women’s Studies minor, serving on the President’s Steering Committee on Women’s Issues and taught courses on women’s issues. She retired in 2010.

If you would like to read a poem or share a personal story about Betsey at the Memorial Service, please let Father John Topel know by Jan 4.