CEIE Webinar Series: A Conversation with Dr. Mark Lloyd Taylor

Posted: September 6, 2022

By: Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement

Thursday, Sept. 22, noon-1:30 p.m.
Virtual and in-person
Register now on Eventbrite

Dr. Mark Lloyd Taylor, professor emeritus at Seattle University, will lead this presentation on the role of imagination in the work and play of a year of preaching, reimagining church-in-the-world and justice. There will be time for questions and conversation.

Dr. Taylor taught theology, worship and preached at Seattle University for 25 years, He serves St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (Seattle) in several roles, including Associate for Liturgy and Godly Play teacher, and is a licensed lay preacher in the Diocese of Olympia. Taylor’s scholarship addresses: the love of God; body, gender and Jesus Christ; feminist, womanist and process theologies; Melville and Kierkegaard; emergent worship; and child theology. 

Learn more about the Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement at CEIE.