CEIE Presents the September 2023 Interfaith Roundup

Posted: September 22, 2023

By: Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement (CEIE)

Paul Chaffee - The Interfaith ObserverRead the Interfaith Roundup.

The Interfaith News Roundup is a CEIE-sponsored monthly publication through its online journal – The Interfaith Observer. Concise paragraphs summarize relevant religious/interfaith stories that impact society. Each paragraph is linked to the full story it introduces.

“For five days this past August, more than 7,000 religious and spiritual leaders, along with dedicated interfaith activists representing some 212 traditions, gathered in Chicago. They came to pursue ‘A Call to Conscience: Defending Freedom & Human Rights.’”

 – Rev. Paul Chaffee says of the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions 

An integral part of CEIE's newsletter, the Interfaith Roundup features news and events written by Rev. Paul Chaffee of The Interfaith Observer.

Topics include: Congregational Business; Parliament of the World’s Religions; and “Beyond Community, Beyond Death”

Read CEIE’s September newsletter.

Engage more with CEIE and its programs at the CEIE’s website, the Religica Theolab website and The Interfaith Observer.