CEIE Interfaith Harmony Lecture: Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul

Posted: January 8, 2024

By: Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement

Interfaith+Harmony+Week+Lecture+PosterTuesday, Feb. 20
Doors open 6:30 p.m.; lecture at 7 p.m.
St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church in Bellevue and virtually
Register for the lecture

“We know things in the core of our being that we have not necessarily been taught, and some of this deep knowing may actually be at odds with what our society or religion has tried to teach us...To awaken again to this deep knowing is to be transformed in the ways we choose to live and relate and act.”

̶  John Philip Newell 

Celebrated author and teacher John Philip Newell will give an overview of his award-winning book Sacred Earth Sacred Soul and share his vision of awakening to the sacred in all things as the pathway toward healing and new beginnings in our lives and world. 

Newell is a Celtic teacher and author of spirituality who calls the modern world to reawaken the sacredness of Earth and every human being. He is the founder of “Earth & Soul,” a Celtic initiative of study, spiritual practice and compassionate action that offers contemplative retreats in the United States and international pilgrimage weeks on the Isle of Iona in Scotland (www.earthandsoul.org).

Books by John Philip Newell will be available for purchase and signing after the lecture. Refreshments will be available for a time of conversation following the lecture. 

Cosponsors include: St. Andrews Lutheran Church, Waymarkers, The One Center, Sound & Forest Therapy with Joy Evans and Northwest Washington Synod ELCA. 

Engage more with CEIE and its programs at the CEIE’s website, the Religica Theolab website and The Interfaith Observer.