CEIE and The Interfaith Observer Present "A Letter to Myself Seven Generations into Our Future"

Posted: March 16, 2023

By: Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement

Ta’Kaiya BlaneyRead the article at The Interfaith Observer.

I remember hearing those hopeless cries of compassionate and loving individuals keen on restoring the sanctity of water and mother earth, whose voices did not carry,” Blaney said, referring to the ancestors who fought to end environmental injustice. 

Ta’Kaiya Blaney is from the Tla'Amin First Nation and grew up along the shores of the Salish Sea in British Columbia, Canada. She speaks at United Nations environmental venues and in classrooms around the world. Earth Revolution is a movement of both indigenous and non-indigenous people in solidarity for a future inspired by youth and a vision for deep peace. 

“A Letter to Myself Seven Generations into Our Future” is available in CEIE’s Interfaith Observer, a popular online journal for interreligious and intercultural engagement around the world.

Read more featured articles in the CEIE March Newsletter. 

Engage more:

The Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement 
The Religica Theolab 
The Interfaith Observer