Teddi Callahan, MAPS, PMC-PL

Currently a Doctor of Ministry candidate at STM

Catholic Community Services

Teddi Callahan, MAPS, PMC-PL – Current STM Doctor of Ministry student. Her DM in work is inspired by over a decade of outreach ministry with an emphasis on companioning with people being marginalized. Teddi’s previous work includes seven years as Director of the Cathedral Kitchen at St. James Cathedral in Seattle, WA. She completed an internship with Catholic Community Services working on advocating for the marginalized, including work with Dialogue for Justice and Catholic Advocacy Day. She currently is serving on the SU STM Committee, and the STM Student & Alumni Discerning Circle for CEIE. Teddi has been an active participant serving on a variety of committees, both in her Catholic faith and local community. From an early age, she has enjoyed listening to and learning the stories of others. Her time at STM continues to form how she chooses to participate in the world each day. This includes actively engaging in her Catholic faith, spiritual practices that include spiritual direction/companionship, and practicing sustainable farming on a small farm with her husband, while enjoying time with her adult children and grandchildren.    

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