Rev. Kathy Sharp

Since 2007 Partnered with The Church Council of Greater Seattle and Seattle University

Advocate for Immigrants and for Human Diversity
Imagineering Circle

Kathy Sharp, now retired, worked as a secondary teacher; editor; business consultant in communications, public affairs, human resources and change management; and finally as an executive minister in the Pacific Northwest for Community of Christ. She has partnered with ecumenical and interfaith boards, projects and advisory councils in her own worldwide denomination and at The Church Council of Greater Seattle and Seattle University since 2007. She is an advocate for immigrants and for human diversity of all kinds, and is grateful for the spiritually enriching friendships and collaborations she has enjoyed through the School of Theology and Ministry and The Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement. 

Her personal ministry is fundraising, bringing people together around a shared vision, and inspiring hope.

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