Douglas Peduti, SJ, Ph.D.

Scholar in Residence, Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA.

Imagineering Circle

Born and raised in the Pittsburgh area, I was raised on a farm and enjoy the outdoors. As both a Jesuit priest and philosopher, I focus on the marginalized and outcast regions of our society; my Ph.D. studies at Duquesne University, a school that focuses on phenomenology, helped me to see and think outside the usual parameters. Thus, my doctorate focused on Heidegger’s understanding of language, that more than a tool to communicate, language informs and transforms us. Culture and religion are steeped in the past languages of ideology and need continual recasting that invites all to the table.


I have taught philosophy courses on language, self and subjectivity, existentialism, phenomenology, and Heidegger. Working on interreligious and interdenominational dialogue with Japanese and Buddhist scholars of Koyasan University was my recent concentration. Then, I translated the correspondence between Rudolf Bultmann, a Protestant theologian, and Martin Heidegger on the relationship between philosophy and theology. My current project is translating Heidegger’s Seminars from GA 83, which discusses, among other topics, authenticity and how we know what is true, what is time, and the destructiveness of modern technology.

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