Physical Wellness

Seattle University students are most challenged by are that pesky cold that keeps them from class, getting enough sleep to feel rested, and eating healthy on a budget.

Walking on campus

Cold and Flu

Getting a cold or the flu can keep you from what's most important and prevention really is the best medicine.

Free Cold and Flu Kits

Students can stop by Student Center 380 anytime to pick up a Cold and Flu Kit from the Health and Wellness Crew. The kit includes information, tissues, tea, hand sanitizer, disposable thermometers, and more!

Get Your Flu Vaccine

Getting a flu vaccine each year is an important step in preventing the flu.  The Student Health Center offers it right on campus and many insurance companies will cover the cost at a local pharmacy.  

Even if you've never had the flu, getting the vaccine helps those on campus who are unable to be vaccinated by keeping the virus to a minimum.

Stop the Spread of Germs

Covering your cough and washing your hands often is something simple everyone can do to keep germs from spreading.

If you're sick, stay home and rest.  And if you've had a flu-like illness, stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone except to get medical care or for other necessities.

By The Numbers


Of SU Students Got a Flu Shot In The Last Year

up 23 points over the last 10 years


Of SU Students Eat 3+ Servings of Veggies Daily

and less than 14% eat 3+ servings of fruits daily. Try adding more to your diet. You might find it helpful.


Of SU Students Felt They Got Enough Sleep On 3 or More Days of The Week

SU has programs to support your sleep habits.


"Good nutrition" can feel daunting and complex. Messages from various fad diets only further convolute nutritional guidance. A healthy relationship with food will look different each person, and you should consult with a professional as you decide what is best for you. The concepts below focus on adding rather than restricting food. 

Focus on Fruits and Vegetables 

Try to eat  5 servings of fruits and veggies daily and aim to make them half of each meal. If you don't or can't, that's okay give yourself permission to be where you are in the moment.  

  • Fruit and veg sides are options for many meals on campus 
  • Frozen vegetables are a great option, budget-friendly, and they last longer 
  • Pack a piece of fruit as a snack 

Try Whole Grains  

Try adding some whole grains to your diet with choices like rolled oats, brown rice, quinoa, and even popcorn!  

Protein to Round It Out 

Choosing lean proteins like beans, nuts, eggs, chicken, fish, and other lean meats will provide balance to your diet. 

We could all use more water.  

With bottle filling stations at most water fountains around campus and free fruit infused waters at most cafes, staying hydrated has never been easier!  

Give yourself permission to have all foods. 

One byproduct of well-intended but restrictive eating is feelings of shame associate with food and the labeling of food as good or bad. Give yourself permission to have all food. Consider what you need in that moment and honor choices that address your body’s needs.  

Additional Resources 

Redhawk Dining offers many options across campus to meet a range of needs and if you're ever wondering what exactly went into your meal, just ask. They also have a dietician available for consultation.  


Sleep is essential to your wellbeing but sometimes it can be a challenge to get those ZZZs. Here are some tips for a good night's rest: 

  • Aim for 8 hours of sleep each night. 
  • Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day, regardless of class or weekend schedules. 
  • Avoid using your phone or computer in bed. 
  • Skip caffeine in the afternoons, opt for decaf coffee or herbal teas. 
  • Alcohol and marijuana use negatively impact your quality of sleep, avoiding them will improve sleep. 
  • Track your sleep using a diary.

If you'd like to speak to someone about sleeping better, please contact our office. 


Refresh is an 8-week emailed-delivered program which uses cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to improve sleep quality. Refresh is a clinically proven program and has been used to many universities throughout the United States. Nearly two-thirds of SeattleU students do not get enough sleep. Disruptions like COVID-19 have an impact on sleep quality. Lack of sleep has been demonstrated to have a similar negative effect on academic performance as regular binge drinking. You don’t need to have a “sleep problem” in order to try Refresh. There are multiple versions, and we use validated sleep scales to determine which version is right for you. This quarter, sign-ups for Refresh are on-going with a new cohort starting every one to two weeks. Sign-up for Refresh using this link. 

Contact Us

Wellness and Health Promotion

Student Center 380