A Conversation with the Author: So Fill Our Imaginations

September 22, 2022

On Thursday, September 22nd 2022, Rev. Dr. Mark Lloyd Taylor, Professor Emeritus at Seattle University, led a virtual lunch exploring the role of imagination in the work and play of preaching; how we might reimagine church-in-the-world; and the relationship between justice and imagination. He was accompanied by three of his former students: Rev. Allison Cannady-Smith, a Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry (STM) Alum, is the pastor of Bailey AME Church, Associate Vice President for Constituent Relations at the University of Puget Sound, and a member of the CEIE Advisory Council; Jin Lee, MDiv Chaplaincy candidate STM; and Emily Linderman, STM Alum and Chaplain at Stanford Healthcare and the University of California, San Francisco.


Dr. Mark Lloyd Taylor is Professor Emeritus at Seattle University, having taught theology, worship, and preaching there for twenty-five years. He serves St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (Seattle, WA) in several roles, including Associate for Liturgy and Godly Play teacher, and is a licensed lay preacher in the Diocese of Olympia.


During the Questions and Answers segment of the webinar, Rev. Dr. Edward Donalson III asked: "What are your hopes for transformation in preaching - looking forward to what will be?"


Dr. Mark Lloyd Taylor answered: "One hope is that other preachers might be nudged by my book to, more imaginatively, compose and deliver their own sermons. For people who do hear sermons, week after week, maybe there’s something in the book that equips them to hear with different ears? Ears of their heart, ears of their imaginations, and so forth.”


Watch the event recording below:


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