Student Rights & Responsibilities

Rights and responsibilities you have regarding your access to accommodations.

Universities are required to provide appropriate academic accommodations to ensure that a student with a disability is not discriminated against and has access. The university is responsible for ensuring equal opportunity to participate, but you are responsible for your achievement. You are considered an adult, and are expected to work in partnership with campus faculty and staff. 

Student Responsibilities

Communicating with Disability Services

You are responsible for disclosing your disability to Disability Services and submitting an application for accommodations; a parent may not apply on your behalf. You’re also expected to check your SU email for messages and communication from DS. Please respond to DS communication in a timely manner when you’re trying to set up appointments – this allows you to get scheduled as soon as possible.

Meeting over Zoom? You should attend the meeting in a quiet, private area to eliminate distractions and allow you to share your concerns openly.

You should contact your Disability Services director immediately if you have concerns about your current academic accommodations or if your situation has changed. 

Communicating with Instructors

You should meet face-to-face with your instructor to alert them to your accommodations prior to or during the first week of class to confirm they received the Faculty Notification Letter. 

It is your responsibility to seek help from the professor and on-campus resources when struggling with course content. If you are uncomfortable doing this or would like support from Disability Services on how to do this, please contact the DS office.  You are expected to assume responsibility for meeting class requirements, deadlines, and professional communications.

Navigating Campus

If you are not able to travel independently to and from classes and campus buildings, then you must provide your own transportation. Please note that the university does not provide personal attendant care of any kind. 

Student Rights

Academic Accommodations

Decisions regarding academic accommodations will be made on a case-by-case basis, considering your specific needs, the demands of the situation, and the essential nature of the activity or program.  Decisions will be made using the criteria set forth in Procedures for the Procedures for the Implementation of Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities.

Reasonable accommodations will be provided without cost to you. 


Disability-related records will be kept in the myDS system. All disabilities-related information is protected by Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) confidentiality regulations. See below for the Confidentiality of Disability-Related Records statement. You may also fill out an e-form in myDS to designate who has access to your records.

Confidentiality of Disability-Related Records 

Disability Services staff may send notification of your disability status to the designated administrator of your school or college when necessary. The administrator will keep this information in a separate location and will not add it to your official file. The designated administrator will release the information on an educational need-to-know basis only. 

Appeals & Complaints

You will be informed about, and have an opportunity to discuss, any changes made by Disability Services regarding your individual accommodations services. You have the right to appeal all decisions. Appeal procedures are explained in Seattle University’s Section 504/ADA Policy and Appeal Procedure Handbook.

Additional Policies

While many prior disability accommodations may transfer, some high school or community college accommodations may not be reasonable in a university setting.

Academic accommodations cannot be approved if they require a change in the essential requirements and/or nature of the course, curriculum, or activity involved, or if they create an undue financial or administrative burden. 

We are here for you

We're happy to answer questions you may have about Disability Services or accommodations at Seattle University.

Disability Services Office