
Padlet for Collaboration and Sharing

Padlet is a collaborative online pin board that faculty can integrate into their courses to help students share content with each other. With Padlet, you can create a private space for students to share words, images, videos, and just about any other file type securely in a fun visual way. 

Example Padlet: Ancient Egyptian Civilization Board

Use Padlet Regularly? 

If you are a faculty member who regularly uses Padlet and find yourself limited using a free Padlet account, reach out to CDLI for a free upgrade to Padlet Backpack, the CDLI-sponsored education account. Once you have your SU Padlet Backpack account, you will log-in at

Please note: the SU Padlet Backpack upgrade is for Seattle University faculty/staff only.

How to Create a Padlet and Add it to Your Canvas Course

Any Other Questions About Padlet?

Contact CDLI for any other questions or troubleshooting issues with Padlet.