Albers Undergraduate Minors

Smiling students sitting around a table

Why a Minor?

Adding a minor to a college program can be a smart move for students who want to broaden their skills and improve their job prospects. For example, a student majoring in Business Analytics might choose to minor in Marketing. This combination can make them more appealing to employers who need people who understand both marketing strategies and how to analyze data. Having a minor can show that a student is versatile and can handle different types of tasks in a business setting.

Another reason to add a minor is to follow a personal interest that is different from the major. This can make college more enjoyable and balanced. For instance, a student majoring in Finance might have a passion for Graphic Design and decide to minor in it. This not only makes their college experience more interesting but also gives them creative skills that can be useful in business, like designing marketing materials or presentations. Balancing a major and a minor can lead to a more well-rounded education, mixing career goals with personal interests.

Lastly, a minor can act as a backup plan or a steppingstone for future career options. If a student is unsure about their major or wants to keep their options open, a minor can provide an alternative path. For example, a Photography major might minor in Entrepreneurship to explore starting their own business someday. This flexibility is valuable in a changing job market, where having a diverse educational background can open up different career opportunities. By adding a minor, students can prepare for various future possibilities while expanding their knowledge.