Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs about the Online Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program.
Below are answers to commonly asked questions about the Online Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program.
In this section we cover topics including:
The Online Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program accepts applications on a rolling basis starting each December, and continues accepting applications until the program is full. It is beneficial to apply in late fall for the best chance of admission. We do not admit during the winter, spring or summer quarters.
Yes, you can apply to multiple counseling programs. Your admission to each program is separate. Scholarships awarded by each program are separate and can’t be transferred.
We do not require that applicants have an undergraduate degree in any particular field. Applicants with any undergraduate degree are encouraged to apply.
We do not have a certificate-only option or a post-master's option. All students must complete the entire 90-credit program.
This program does not require the GRE. However, if your undergraduate degree was non-graded (i.e., you have no GPA), Seattle University requires that you take a standardized test in order to apply. You may choose either the GRE or the MAT (Miller Analogies Test).
The program does not offer deferrals. However, an admitted applicant who wants to decline their offer in favor of starting the next year can update their start term in their application portal. This will move their materials to the next year, but it will be the responsibility of the applicant to make sure their application is complete in case application requirements change. Then they will be considered for admission for the next start term.
Program Details
The counseling cohort begins every year in the fall (September). We do not admit during the winter, spring, or summer quarters.
Yes. The Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC) and Online Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program (OCMHC) mirror each other. The online program allows students to obtain a high-quality graduate education remotely from anywhere in the US. The learning outcomes are the same for the online program and the in-person program.
The Online Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program takes three (3) years to complete. The first two years of coursework is online asynchronous. The third year of the program is a hybrid experience in which students complete an in-person practicum and internship under supervision while taking part in an online synchronous group supervision class that meets once a week.
The first two years of the program consists of asynchronous online coursework, with three courses per quarter. The third year of the program is a hybrid experience in which students complete an in-person practicum and internship under supervision and take an online synchronous supervision course that meets once a week. Students can complete their practicum and internship anywhere in the United States at a site approved by the program. The program assists students with securing a field placement.
Although students do take summer courses, there is a 6-week break between summer and fall quarters from mid-August to late September. There is also a 3-week break between fall and winter quarters. You can view the academic calendar here.
While the Online Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program was designed with the working adult in mind, we are unable to assess what is manageable for each student. Students should plan on spending approximately 25-30 hours per week on coursework during the first two years. As this is mostly asynchronous, students are able to plan coursework around their work. During the third year, it is very difficult to work full-time because students must prioritize their practicum and internship hours, which is approximately 30 hours a week.
The program is cohort based and each quarter's classes are only offered during that quarter each year so going full-time is the best way to complete the program with out having a future gap, waiting for the class to be offered again. However, sometimes life happens and people need to reduce their course load. Students would want to work with their Student Success Coordinator and faculty mentor to make the best decision about changing up their plan.
Because of the sequence of classes and cohort system, it is not possible to complete our program in less than 3 years.
The Online Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program is on a 10-week quarter system for fall, winter, and spring, and on an 8-week quarter system for summer. More detailed information on the academic calendar can be found here.
Faculty bring a combination of research and counseling experience to their teaching. All our faculty have doctoral degrees in counselor education, are experienced in the field of counseling, and those who teach clinical courses are fully licensed.
During the first two years of the program, students take three asynchronous content courses each fall, winter and spring quarter and one to two hybrid clinical courses per summer quarter. Students should anticipate spending approximately 8-12 hours on each course every week (totaling 24-36 hours of course work each week). In the third year of the program, students complete an in-person practicum and internship at a program-approved site within the United States. Simultaneously, students take one online synchronous group supervision course.
Our course list can be found here.
The New Student Orientation is a module-based asynchronous orientation. During this orientation you will meet your faculty and get to know the others in your cohort. You will learn important details and requirements for the program and your future licensure. Additionally, there is an optional in-person orientation in July during residency.
Yes! The program has lots of ways to help you feel engaged and supported.
- You are placed in a cohort of 10-12 other students and take every class with this same group of people.
- We create a Teams channel for you to connect right away with your cohort and start getting to know each other.
- The program starts with a required synchronous orientation, and each summer there is a required residency on campus for 4 days in late July where you will practice counseling sessions with your colleagues, attend workshops and symposia, and join in social events with your cohort and the rest of the program.
- Class assignments include group projects where you will coordinate with your team to work on your project together.
- Our Student Success Coordinator is there to help you with everything you need to be successful in the program.
Program cost information can be found here. For reference, the degree requires 90 quarter credits.
Information on scholarships can be found here. We occasionally have opportunities for graduate assistantships, which are posted for current students on Handshake as they become available.
The graduate counseling program at Seattle University is a generalist program grounded in social justice principles. Graduates are prepared to work with a diverse base of clients using multiple methods of counseling intervention. Students will be introduced to a broad variation of counseling interventions. Students may use their course assignments to explore their own areas of interest, and search for internship opportunities where they can gain more experience in their interests. Specializations may be developed during the post masters supervised experience toward independent licensure as mental health counselor. Specializations are usually certified by professional organizations, not degree programs.
Clinical Mental Health Counseling graduates can practice upon graduation in mental health agencies and clinics, private practice, mental health programs in schools, hospitals, and other settings looking for masters-level counselors.
Yes. You can find that information here.
Licensure and Accreditation
The program is in the process of CACREP accreditation.
Counselor licensure varies by state. We encourage you to reach out to your state licensing board to determine if Seattle University’s Online Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program will lead to licensure in your state. For quick reference, visit our interactive Licensure Disclosure page to determine whether the Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Washington will lead to licensure in other states. The American Counseling Association provides a list of links to US State Professional Counselor Licensure Boards.
Practicum, Internship and Summer Residency
Practical counseling experience occurs in your third year of study. Practicum occurs in the fall quarter of third year, and internship occurs in the subsequent winter, spring and summer quarters.
Practicum is 100 hours of which 40 are direct client contact. Students take part in a weekly group supervision class on campus, as well as individual or triadic supervision with a faculty supervisor one hour per week.
Internship is 600 hours of which 240 are direct client contact. Students also take part in weekly group supervision class on campus each quarter.
Fingerprints and background checks will be required.
Students have found internships in a wide variety of organizations and environments. Most commonly students pursue site experience in community mental health agencies, inpatient treatment facilities, clinical counseling in school-based settings, private group practices and hospitals.
The counseling programs have a dedicated Placement Coordinator who supports you as soon as you enter the program with discerning the right internship experience, including monthly workshops on how to research sites, prepare a counseling resume, prepare for interviews or initiate opportunities with new internship sites. The program has a robust system of resources and supports for the internship search process.
Student internship sites are governed by regulations set forth by CACREP, Seattle University and state regulations. We work in collaboration with students to explore how unique internships can meet practical counseling experience requirements.
Yes, there are opportunities for paid internships. Though they are not the norm, paid internships are on the rise in an effort to establish equity in access to counseling education for all clinical counseling students.
There is a summer residency that takes place on the Seattle University campus.
- The summer residency occurs across four days over the summer after the first and the second year in the program after the first and the second year in the program.
- The purpose of the summer residency is to develop clinical skills, attend workshops and symposia, connect with cohort members and meet the staff and faculty.
- Attendance and participation in summer residency is required for graduation.
Students are charged a residency fee, which can be found here. This covers the cost of materials, presenters, and lunch. Additionally, students should anticipate costs for travel, lodging, and breakfast, and dinner.
Affinity Information Sessions
In the below videos, the Online Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling faculty highlight how the counseling profession intersects with their shared personal and professional identities. They'll walk through their experiences as counselors and provide insights into the field.
Get In Touch
If you have any questions about the program or application, we’re here to help!
Diana Calderon
Admissions Counselor