Housing Agreement

Explore the Seattle University Housing Agreement for 2024-2025, detailing student rights and the benefits of campus living.

Student Housing Agreement Academic Year 2024-2025

As a residential campus committed to the Jesuit value of educating the whole person, living on campus is an integral and signature student experience. Students who live on campus are more likely to take full advantage of campus resources, be more involved in the campus community, achieve greater academic success, persist to graduate at a higher rate and be more generally satisfied with their overall university experience.
Housing and Residence Life is committed to providing safe, affordable, welcoming, and inclusive housing accommodations to the students of Seattle University. By living on campus, Seattle University students will be engaged with their peers and continue their learning, growth, and holistic development outside of the classroom. We hope that after Seattle University students leave the residence halls on campus, they will take with them valuable memories and powerful knowledge to help create a more just and humane world.
This Agreement is designed to inform and educate students on their rights and responsibilities when residing on campus. Please review the Agreement terms below for an understanding of essential information related to campus living.
Seattle University seeks to provide affordable on-campus housing accommodations for students. For this reason, the University operates Campus Housing and Dining Services on a full academic year Agreement basis.


The following glossary of important terms and definitions is established here to help guide students’ understanding of this Agreement. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with these definitions before continuing your reading:

  • Student Housing Application: The “application” is considered the student’s first step in seeking to live on campus. By submitting a housing application, students intend to accept on-campus housing accommodations once a room assignment is made to them. By applying, a student acknowledges that they have read, understood, and accept this Agreement, so we encourage students to take their time reading through these pages and reach out for any clarification they might need.
  • Student Housing Agreement: This Agreement is a binding and legal document between students and Seattle University. Therefore, students need to familiarize themselves with all details outlined here. Students should also note that the policies and procedures outlined in The Resident Handbook and Code of Student Conduct are also in full effect in conjunction with this Agreement. Before applying, take some time to read these other two documents. The Agreement is executed and effective on the date the student submits their Student Housing Application.

A. Seattle University’s Residential Housing Requirement & Housing Exemption Policy
As a residential campus committed to the education of the whole person, Seattle University students are required to live on campus and purchase, at minimum, the Residential Meal Plan when they fall into any one of the following categories:

  • First-year or second-year students, and students under the age of 21 before the first day of fall quarter classes (including first- and second-year transfer students). This includes first- or second-year students with AP or Running Start Credits.
  • Students still within two (2) years of their high school graduation date as of the first day of fall quarter classes, and under the age of 21.

Students who fall into one of the above categories are required to live on campus for the full academic year. If a student’s status (class year, age, etc.) changes at any point during the academic year, the student will not be released from the Residential Housing Requirement during that academic year. Summer quarter is not included in the Residential Housing Requirement. Transfer students to Seattle University with third and fourth-year transfer credits do not fall under the University’s housing requirement.
If a student submits a Student Housing Application, they accept and become responsible for the penalties or obligations, including financial penalties, that may be assessed for failing to adhere to this Agreement’s terms. While an exemption or cancellation from the Residential Housing Requirement may be subsequently granted on a case-by-case basis, the student may still be subject to obligations or penalties under this Agreement (see below: E. Student Housing Cancellation Fees and Timelines).

Residential Housing Exemptions

This section states the Housing Exemption Policy and criteria. If students wish to be excused from the Residential Housing Requirement, they must submit a Housing Exemption Request on the Seattle University Housing Portal. Students who wish to be exempt from living on campus must fall into one of the categories for exemption, which include:
1. Living with a family member within a commutable distance to campus: Students who wish to be exempt from the Housing Requirement must show the intention of living with a family member at their primary place of residence within a commutable distance to campus (roughly within a 20-mile radius).
•"Family" is defined as a parent, aunt, uncle, grandparent, spouse, or child. Siblings do not constitute “family” under the Housing Exemption Policy.
•"Primary place of residence" is defined as a person's permanent home and place of habitation, to the exclusion of all others. It is the place where the student intends to remain permanently. This does not include an off-campus lease agreement signed by the student for off-campus accommodations.

2. Marriage: If a student is married, they are not required to live on campus. The student must submit marriage documentation (such as a copy of the marriage license) through the Exemption Request form on the Housing Portal.

3. Medical Accommodation: If a student cannot live on campus due to a medical- or disability-related reason, they may petition for an exemption from the Housing Requirement. Please note that students need to meet with a specialist in the Disability Services (DS) office to get this process started. No student will be released from the Housing Requirement due to medical needs without
confirmation from a DS specialist.

4. Pregnancy: Students who are pregnant may be exempt from the Housing Requirement.

Please note that submitting a Housing Exemption request will not result in automatic approval. If our office does not approve a student’s Housing Exemption request, you will be required to live on campus per Seattle University’s 2-year Residential Housing Requirement and assessed Student Housing and Meal Plan charges. Exemption petitions will not be granted after the occupancy start date commences as listed under Section D. “Dates of Occupancy” of this Agreement. Exemptions are only approved before the occupancy start date of the academic term in question. A cancellation fee may also be applied to the student’s account, depending on when the exemption form is processed and approved.

B. Hall and Room Assignments
1. Seattle University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, political ideology, or status as a Vietnam-era or special disabled veteran. It will assign students to live with other students of the same gender identity unless they indicate a preference for gender-inclusive housing. Additionally, Seattle University will make every effort to offer reasonable on-campus housing accommodations for students with disabilities with guidance from Disability Services (DS) office and will comply with its Non-Discrimination and Section 504/ADA Policy and Appeal Procedure.

2. Seattle University reserves the right to determine and change room assignments for any reasons determined necessary throughout the academic year. Seattle University also reserves the right to consolidate room spaces when necessary, at any point throughout the academic year.

3. It is Seattle University’s practice to give preference in campus housing assignments to students who reside outside the greater Seattle area. In accordance with this policy, the University reserves the right to cancel this Agreement prior to the published date for residence hall opening in the fall, winter, or spring quarters when a student resides within the greater Seattle area.

4. Single-room assignments in double occupancy rooms in traditional-style residence halls are only available when space permits. Single-room assignments cannot be guaranteed prior to the beginning of the quarter and may not be available during the academic year depending on space demand. When available, single rooms will be prioritized based on need.

C. Occupancy
1. Continuing students must be registered full-time (12 or more credits each quarter) for classes to be eligible to live on campus. Students must be registered full-time for classes by the following dates for each quarter:
a. Fall 2024: August 15, 2024
b. Winter 2025: December 15, 2024
c. Spring 2025: March 15, 2025

If a continuing student has a confirmed housing assignment but is not registered as a full-time student for an upcoming quarter by the dates listed above, Housing and Residence Life has the right to cancel the housing assignment and applicable meal plan to accommodate a registered continuing or incoming student who is not currently assigned. Should the student register as a full-time student after the deadlines listed above, a new housing application will need to be submitted for the student to be considered for re-assignment. Students may also speak to Disability Services (DS) if they wish to register part-time for a medical or disability-related reason. Students who have a disability accommodation to be part-time students will not have their housing canceled.

2. Students who are not enrolled as full-time students must request written permission via email to Housing and Residence Life to continue to live on campus. Please note that this does not apply to students in their final (2) quarters of enrollment, or students participating in a Seattle University-sponsored internship program.

3. If a vacancy occurs in a room, the remaining residents(s) may not occupy the vacant space. If residents occupy more than one space, their items may be moved at their expense to accommodate another occupant.

4. If a vacancy occurs in a room, the remaining residents(s) may not occupy the vacant space. However, if there is no need for the space, students may speak to a Housing representative to see if their room may be converted to a single-room space or another lower occupancy option.

5. Students living on campus are required to provide an emergency contact on their Housing application. The emergency contact will be notified if a student is in a life-threatening or life-altering situation, if they cannot respond, or to safeguard the student's health, safety, and care, in Seattle University’s discretion. Additionally, students are required to also list a contact to be notified if they are determined to be missing (this can be the same person as the emergency contact or a different individual). If the student is under 18 years of age at the time of submitting their Housing application, their emergency contact and missing person contact must be a parent or guardian. Students may change this information on the Housing Portal at any time throughout the academic year.

6. Students agree to occupy an assigned room in one of the University's owned and operated Student residences during the 2024-2025 Academic Year.

7. Except as permitted in the University's Student Handbook (and except for a roommate assigned by the University), the student agrees to disallow any other person to occupy their assigned unit. The student agrees not to lend, provide, or give their room key(s) or Seattle U ID card to anyone else.

D. Dates of Occupancy

Below are the dates of occupancy for the Fall 2024, Winter, 2025, and Spring 2025 quarters.

Undergraduate and Graduate (Non-Law) Students

Fall 2024 Quarter
Start of Occupancy: If the student is a new first-year student or transfer resident, occupancy will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 21, 2024. If the student is a continuing Student or Graduate resident, occupancy will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 22, 2024.

End of Occupancy: If the student is an undergraduate or graduate (non-Law) resident, occupancy will end at 12 p.m. (noon) on Saturday, December 14, 2024.

Winter 2025 Quarter
Start of Occupancy: If the student is a newly assigned undergraduate or graduate (non-Law) resident, occupancy will begin at 9 a.m. on Friday, January 3, 2025, at 10 a.m.
If the student is a returning undergraduate or graduate (non-Law) resident, occupancy will begin at 9 a.m. on Friday, January 3, 2025, at 10 a.m.

End of Occupancy: If the student is an undergraduate or graduate (non-Law) resident, occupancy will end at 12 p.m. on Saturday, March 22, 2025.

Spring 2025 Quarter

Start of Occupancy: If the student is a newly assigned undergraduate or graduate (non-Law) resident, occupancy will begin at 9 a.m. on Saturday, March 29, 2025.
If the student is a returning undergraduate or graduate (non-Law) resident, occupancy will begin at 12 p.m. on Saturday, March 22, 2025.

End of Occupancy: If the student is an undergraduate or graduate resident that is graduating at the end of the 2024-2025 Academic Year, occupancy will end at 12 p.m. on Monday, June 16, 2025. If the student is an undergraduate or graduate (non-Law) resident who is not graduating, occupancy will end at 12 p.m. on Saturday, June 14, 2025.

Law Students
Fall 2024 Semester

Start of Occupancy: If the student is a Law student, occupancy will begin at 9 a.m. on Saturday, August 17, 2024.

End of Occupancy: If the student is a Law student, occupancy will end at 12 p.m. on Saturday, December 21, 2024.

Spring 2025 Semester

Start of Occupancy: If the student is a Law student, occupancy will begin at 9 a.m. on Saturday, January 11, 2025.

End of Occupancy: If the student is a Law student, occupancy will end at 12 p.m. on Saturday, May 17, 2025.

Winter Break 2024
• All students must vacate their residence hall for winter break within 24 hours after their last final exam or by the date/time listed above that correlates with their student classification, whichever comes first. The residence halls and campus apartments will re-open for occupancy at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, January 3, 2025 (Saturday, January 11, 2025 at 9 a.m. for Law students).
• All students are required to vacate their residence during winter break. However, if a student needs to remain on campus during the break period, they may submit a Late Departure request form or winter break occupancy request form on the Housing Portal. Please note that submission of these requests does not automatically grant approval. All requests will be reviewed by Housing and Residence Life. Applicable winter break daily housing charges will apply in all approved circumstances.
• Seattle University reserves the right to close residential facilities during any break period and may require all students to vacate campus housing for all or part of a break.

E. Student Housing Cancellation Fees and Timeline
Upon receiving a housing assignment, students who are not required to live on campus (third-year, fourth-year, and graduate-level students) will be given an applicable grace period to cancel their housing assignment without financial penalty. Students eligible for a housing cancellation may submit a request to cancel their housing assignment on the Housing Portal until their respective occupancy start date referenced in the prior section, D. Dates of Occupancy. If a student who is not required to live on campus submits a request to cancel their housing assignment after the applicable grace period and is approved, a cancellation fee will be assessed per the schedules below:

Undergraduate and Graduate (Non-Law) Students
Full 2024-2025 Cancellation Fee Schedule
For continuing students who apply for Housing for the entire 2024-2025 academic year, the following cancellation fee schedule will apply:

  • April 2, 2024, to June 30, 2024: $500.00
  • April 15, 2024: Students who wish to cancel their SU-housing assignment to live at Vi Hilbert or Douglas Apartments will have until this date to cancel without financial penalty.
  • July 1, 2024, to September 21, 2024: $1,000.00
    On or after September 22, 2024: 100% of the housing charges for the current term + 50% of the housing charges of any remaining quarter(s) for the academic year.

For new first-year and transfer students who apply for Housing for the entire 2024-2025 academic year, the following cancellation fee schedule will apply:
August 11, 2024, to August 31, 2024: $500.00
September 1, 2024, to September 20, 2024: $1,000.00
On or After September 21, 2024: 100% of the housing charges for the current term + 50% housing charges of any remaining quarter(s) for the academic year.

Winter/Spring 2025 Housing Application Cancellation Fee Schedule

For new and continuing students who apply only for Winter/Spring 2025 Housing, the following cancellation fee schedule will apply:
December 7, 2024, to December 14, 2024: $500.00
December 15, 2024, to December 31, 2024,: $1,000.00
On or After January 1, 2025: 100% of the housing charges for the current term + 50% housing charges of any remaining quarter(s) for the academic year

Spring 2025 Housing Application Cancellation Fee Schedule

For new and continuing students who apply only for Spring 2025 Housing, the following cancellation fee schedule will apply:
March 6, 2025, to March 17, 2025: $500.00
March 18, 2025, to March 28, 2025: $1,000.00
On or after March 29, 2025: 100% of the housing charges for the current term

Law Students
The Full Academic Year 2024-2025 Cancellation Fee Schedule
For Law students who apply for the full 2024-2025 academic year, the following cancellation fee schedule will apply:
June 1, 2024, to June 30, 2024: $500.00
July 1, 2024, to August 16, 2024: $1,000.00
On or after August 17, 2024: 100% of the housing charges for the current term + 50% housing room charges of any remaining quarter(s) for the academic year

Spring 2025 Housing Application Cancellation Fee Schedule

For Law students who apply only for Spring 2025 housing, the following cancellation fee schedule will apply:
December 7, 2024, to December 31, 2024: $500.00
January 1, 2025, to January 10, 2025: $1,000.00
On or after January 11, 2025: 100% of the housing charges for the current term + 50% housing room charges of any remaining quarter(s) for the academic year

Exceptions to the Cancellation Fee Policy

If a student requests to cancel their Housing assignment at any point before or during the academic year due to any of the following reasons, no cancellation fee will be applied to their account:
1. Transfer, Withdrawal, Leave of Absence, or Hardship Withdrawal from Seattle University – Students who are no longer actively enrolled at Seattle University will not be charged a cancellation fee. Students who are suspended or expelled for disciplinary reasons will not be released from the financial obligations of their Student Housing Agreement. For mid-quarter withdrawals, housing and meal plan charges will be prorated based on their occupancy period.
2. Graduation – Students who graduate during the academic year will not be charged a cancellation fee.
3. Academic Internship/Exchange/Study Abroad – Students who study abroad or participate in any Seattle University-sponsored program will not be charged a cancellation fee. Participation in Seattle University-sponsored programs will be verified administratively.
4. Military Relocation – Students who are relocated for United States military purposes will not be charged a cancellation fee. Documentation is required to verify this status.

Upon receiving approval of a Housing Cancellation request, students will be charged a pro-rated Housing and Meal Plan rate based on the number of nights of occupancy if the request is processed after the occupancy start date.

F. Cohabitation and Overnight Guests
Cohabitation individuals in a romantic relationship is not permitted in residence halls or apartments. Students will be assigned to live with other students of the same gender identity unless they indicate a preference for gender-inclusive housing. Students are not permitted to live with another student with whom they are in a romantic relationship. Only guests of the same gender identity as their resident hosts are permitted to stay overnight in the residence halls provided the guest is not in a romantic relationship with the resident host. Students who plan to have an overnight guest should be sure to have a conversation with their roommate(s) before bringing the guest to the space. Students must inform their RA if they have an overnight guest. A single guest may stay overnight in Seattle University Housing for a maximum of three nights per month. If a guest intends to stay longer than three nights, the resident student hosting the guest must speak to their building’s Area Coordinator for permission.

G. Room Rates for Academic Year 2024-2025
Students who live on campus agree to pay the applicable room rate in three equal installments, one each academic quarter, by the due dates established and announced by Seattle University. Room Rates for the 2024-2025 school year will be published on the Housing & Residence Life website.

H. Student Housing and Other Charges
Students living on campus authorize Housing and Residence Life to post applicable housing, meal plan, and other miscellaneous charges to their student account. Miscellaneous charges include but are not limited to cancellation fees, fines for conduct violations, reimbursement of damage costs, lock-out fees, lock change fees, and/or any other miscellaneous charges deemed necessary by Housing and Residence Life that pertain to student housing. Students may contact Housing and Residence Life directly for a description of the charges. Students also are obligated to pay any balance in full by the due dates posted by Seattle University. If a student fails to comply with these terms, they will not be allowed to register for classes or receive transcripts or diplomas and may be denied other Seattle University services. If a student fails to make timely payment for all or any part of the assessed charges, the student will be liable to the University for all costs the University incurs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) in pursuing collection against the student. Applicable late fees may apply. Students living on campus understand and agree to this and accept as the student’s personal responsibility any debt arising in connection with this Agreement.

I. Meal Plans and Meal Plan Policy
A meal plan is required for all first-year and second-year students in Seattle University owned or operated housing as well as in all affiliate housing (Douglas Apartments and Vi Hilbert Hall). There are three meal plan options available to first-year and second-year students: Maximum, Expanded, and Residential. The default meal plan is the Residential meal plan for first-year and second-year students. Third-year, fourth-year, and Graduate students are not required to have a meal plan when living on campus, however, they may elect to enroll in one in their Housing application.
The meal plan selected by a student in the fall quarter will be renewed automatically for winter and spring quarters unless a Meal Plan Change request is submitted within the first ten class days of the new quarter. No meal plan requests will be accepted after the tenth class day of a quarter. Meal Plan Change requests should be made through the Housing Portal.
Students can add supplemental meal funds to their accounts at any time during the academic year. Per Seattle University’s policy, a maximum of $250 remaining at the end of the fall and winter quarters will be rolled over to the next quarter. Funds remaining at the end of the spring quarter will not be rolled over and are forfeited to Seattle University. Exemptions to these meal plan terms are granted only in limited circumstances. Please visit our website for information on meal plan exemptions.

J. Liability and Damage to Personal Property
1. Students are fully responsible for their personal property and any damage to or loss of personal property located in/on Seattle University premises, including money, personal belongings, mail, computers, electronics, bikes, scooters, or other items of value. Seattle University disclaims any liability for damage to or loss of personal property and belongings. By submitting an application and accepting this Agreement, you release Seattle University from liability for damage to or loss of your personal property.
2. All students who reside on campus are highly encouraged to research and purchase renter’s insurance for the entire duration of their residency on campus.
3. Students who are found responsible for damage to their space or residential facilities will be responsible for paying the repair/restoration costs of all damage that occurs in their assigned campus housing space. Students are also responsible for and will be charged the costs of repair for all damage they cause (alone or with others) to any other area of Student Housing or the University, such as communal areas.
4. Students also recognize and agree that they shall be responsible for any malicious damage and/or excessive/additional/non-routine cleaning that occurs within their assigned Student Housing common areas/spaces (such as main lobbies, floor lounges, study rooms, community restrooms, etc.). Responsibility for such community damage will only be assigned/shared when Housing and Residence Life is unable to determine the specific individual(s) at fault for the additional charges.
5. Students agree to be responsible for the conduct of their guests who are in a university residential facility at the invitation or permission of the student. Any damage caused by a student’s guest will be the responsibility of the student.
6. If Seattle University incurs expenses as a result of a student’s or students’ failure to meet the requirements of Sections J. 2, 3, or 4, Seattle University has the right, at its discretion, to issue an invoice for the costs, offset the costs against any amounts that Seattle University owes the student, or assess the charges for such costs to the student’s student account.

K. Right of Entry
University representatives may enter the residence halls and a student’s assigned space at any time without prior notice for the purpose(s) of:
• making necessary or agreed-upon repairs
• supplying necessary or agreed-upon services
• investigating health or safety concerns
• investigating suspected violations of Student Housing or other University policies (including, but not limited to, the Code of Student Conduct or violations of firearm or drug, tobacco, and alcohol use policies)
• verifying occupancy
• conducting inventories of university property
• conducting facility health/safety inspections.

Whenever possible, entries into residential spaces will be announced in advance. However, when an immediate need is evident, or it is determined a life or safety concerns are present, Seattle University may need to enter without notice. In these instances, Seattle University officials will announce themselves before entering a student’s assigned space.

L. Termination
The University reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and a student’s residency because of improper or unsafe conduct or failure to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement. The University's termination of this Agreement and/or a student’s residency does not waive the student’s obligation to pay the room rate for the full Academic Year. The student shall be given a grace period to vacate their residence hall space, when applicable.

M. Pets
Pets or animals are not permitted in campus housing facilities at any time, except for:
(1) An animal certified or otherwise documented as having been trained for assisting or accommodating a person with a disability or as an emotional support animal (ESA). Proper documentation must be presented to the SU Disability Services (DS) Office and a preliminary meeting with a Housing representative is required before bringing an animal into any University housing facility.
(2) Fish contained in a small tank no larger than ten (10) gallons are permitted.

N. Check-In/Check-Out
1. At the time of check-in, students are responsible for inspecting the overall condition of their assigned room and must complete a Room Condition Inventory form for their assigned space through the Housing Portal. Students who do not complete a Room Condition Inventory form on the Housing Portal forfeit their ability to contest any damage found in their assigned room space at the time of check-out.
2. Check-out is complete when a student has returned all issued keys, has posted a mail forwarding address on the Housing Portal, and completed their Room Condition Inventory.
3. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the check-out process at their residence hall front desk to turn in their key(s). Failure to do so at the time of check-out will result in a lock change charge, and/or other associated costs or fees.
4. Students are required to remove all personal belongings from their residential space prior to check-out and may not leave belongings to be held by other students. Any items left behind after check-out may be treated as abandoned property and will be donated or disposed of at the University’s discretion and the owner’s expense. Housing and Residence Life has no obligation to store or attempt to return property left behind after check-out.
5. Students agree to leave their room clean and the furniture in good order at the time of checkout. If the space requires additional cleaning or furniture to be repaired, replaced, or reassembled, the student will be responsible for the cost of repairing, replacing, or cleaning their room or furniture, as well as any associated labor charges, as determined by Housing and Residence Life. Seattle University has the right, at its discretion, to issue an invoice for the costs, offset the costs against any amounts that Seattle University owes the student, or assess the charges for such costs to the student’s student account.
6. After check-out, any disputed charges must be submitted in writing to the Housing and Residence Life Office no later than the time frame indicated on the notification message sent to the student after the charge has been placed on their account.

O. Compliance with Other University Policies
The student acknowledges and accepts the University’s policies and guidelines that govern Student conduct. University policies are contained in several documents, including, but not limited to: Seattle University Student Handbook; The Resident Handbook; Seattle University Code of Student Conduct; Undergraduate Bulletin; Seattle University Catalogue. Students are responsible for accessing online the most up-to-date version of University policies. Policies posted online are the most current version available and supersede prior online versions and hard copies. The student agrees to be familiar with these documents and policies and to comply with the responsibilities and obligations stated in these publications and in other University policy statements that pertain to students or student conduct, or activities as may be amended from time to time.

P. Statement on Nondiscrimination

Seattle University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, political ideology or status as a Vietnam-era or special disabled veteran in the administration of any of its education policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletics, and other school-administered policies and programs, or in its employment-related policies and practices. All University policies, practices and procedures are administered in a manner consistent with Seattle University's Catholic and Jesuit identity and character. Inquiries relating to these policies may be referred to the University's Title IX Coordinator.

Consistent with the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and its implementing regulations, Seattle University has designated individuals responsible for coordinating the University's Title IX compliance. Students or employees with concerns or complaints about discrimination on the basis of sex in employment or an education program or activity may contact the following Title IX Coordinator.

Dr. Elizabeth Trayner
Assistant Vice President for Institutional Equity Title IX Coordinator, and ADA/504 Coordinator 
Loyola Hall 300 
(206) 220-8515 

Individuals may also contact the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education.

Q. Disability Statement
The Department of Housing & Residence Life works closely with the Seattle University Office of Disabilities Services staff to ensure appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities who reside in SU residential communities. Please contact ds@seattleu.edu or at (206) 296-5740 to discuss your Student Housing accommodations and any other support you may need on campus and during your time at Seattle University. Student Housing accommodations can include (but are not limited to): a single room, access to an accessible bathroom, alteration of meal plan, etc.

Download the 2023-2024 housing agreement

We’re Here For You

For information about housing and dining, contact us Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Housing and Residence Life

Campion Hall 100, 901 12th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122