Program Details
Learn more about the School Psychology program including vision and mission, and program goals.
Vision and Mission
School Psychology program graduates are knowledgeable, ethical, and reflective educational professionals who lead and advocate for social justice.
Consistent with the Jesuit mission of Seattle University and the College Of Education, the School Psychology program prepares school psychologists to collaborate with professional colleagues, families, and the larger community to serve and advocate for all students. The program develops school psychologists who embody and act upon a commitment to social justice, particularly among disenfranchised students and families. Program faculty embody caring, the pursuit of knowledge, and a commitment to justice, so that our graduates enact these values in their own works.
Program Features
We understand there are many options when deciding what graduate program is best for you. Here are some features that make our program unique:
- Social Justice Focus: Consistent with the Jesuit mission of Seattle University, our program develops school psychologists who embody and act upon their commitment to social justice, particularly among disenfranchised students and families.
- Supporting Our Students:The Jesuit education mission focuses on cura personalis, which is Latin for “care for the whole person". We understand you have complexities in your life and we work with every student individually to respond to their specific needs - whether it's related to work, family, linguistics, diversity, disability, etc.
- Program Cost: Earn your School Psychology degree through private school experience at a cost comparable to, or even less than, in-state tuition at a public university. Non-Washington state residents incur no additional costs for earning their degree at SU. Learn more about our program cost here.
- Flexibility: Our program offers flexibility for working professionals, including degree completion plans tailored to their unique needs.
- Career Change: For those seeking to change careers, we offer credit for relevant prior graduate coursework.
- Established Program: We have been approved by and nationally recognized by the National Association of School Psychologists since 1998. Learn more about our program outcome data and our accreditation through 2031 through the NASP website here.
Program Goals
Dedicated to a practitioner-scholar model, the program is designed to provide students with a solid grounding in research-based practices that will equip them with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to be effective school psychologists. With the overarching vision of preparing knowledgeable, ethical, and reflective school psychologists for leadership and service in diverse communities, the following program goals guide the preparation of all students:
- Practice in accordance with professional, ethical, and legal standards.
- Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions to advocate for services responsive to the needs of diverse learners at all systems levels and the promotion of justice for underserved populations.
- Apply knowledge of theory and practice to promote cognitive, academic, social, and emotional competence for youth at all school systems levels.
- Apply knowledge and skills to make data-based decisions that produce positive educational outcomes for youth.
- Demonstrate effective interpersonal, consultation and collaboration skills to promote competence for all youth and to build the capacity of systems.
- Use self-reflection to guide their work with youth, families, and professional colleagues.
- Demonstrate knowledge and skills to promote programs that make schools more safe, compassionate, and responsive to the academic and mental health needs of youth.
- Use technology to enhance and safeguard their work, promote positive educational outcomes for youth, and advocate for equitable access to technology within educational settings.
Practicum and Internship
Practicums and an internship are both required to complete the EdS degree. Students must first be approved for candidacy to enroll in a practicum.
- Practicum: Three practicums designed as field-based orientation to the field
- Internship: One 1,200-hour internship
A candidacy review occurs the quarter after a student has completed 20 credits. Faculty review academic progress and personal competencies.
Candidates are assessed in every course throughout the program via papers, in-class writing assignments, written and oral test reviews, and written exams, as well as direct observation of skills; audio and video tapes of counseling sessions and assessments with volunteers; write-ups of student-facilitated consultation sessions; poster sessions; and reports on evaluation results and intervention recommendations.
The three practicum experiences are distinct from the internship and are designed as a field-based orientation to school psychology. The practicum sequence includes focused mentoring in behavioral interventions, assessment for special education, and consultation.
Practicum orients students to the culture of the public school, to general and special education, and to the specific role and functions of the school psychologist. The practicum is a developmental experience that begins with indirect experiences (e.g., shadowing and observing the site supervisor deliver school psychological services) and ends with direct delivery of school psychological services under supervision.
School Psychology Interns will complete a full-time, 1200-hour internship over the period of an academic year, or half-time over a period of two years (1200 hours total) under the combined supervision of the agency/school district supervisor and the university supervisor.
During the fall quarter prior to the internship, students will need to submit a “Request for Internship Placement” (provided in the Internship Handbook) to the Internship Coordinator. Final approval to start the internship is granted at the end of the summer quarter prior to the internship year if the following requirements are met:
- completion of all coursework, including the practicum
- a minimum GPA of 3.0
- grades of B or higher in three assessment courses (SPSY 5640 Individual Educational Assessment, SPSY 5660 Individual Intellectual Assessment, SPSY 5670 Personality and Behavior Assessment)
- ratings of at least “satisfactory” on the Faculty Evaluation of Personal Competencies form completed prior to internship
Hear From A Student Ambassador
Learn more about the practicum and internship experience from a Student Ambassador.
Student Ambassadors
The School Psychology program is happy to support a Student Ambassador program to connect prospective students to current students as a resource during the admissions process. If you'd like to speak with a specific Student Ambassador listed below, be sure to address the email to them.
Email Student Ambassadors
Sky Bryant
Hi! My name is Skye Bryant (she/hers) and I'm in my fourth quarter of Seattle University's school psychology EdS graduate program. Before becoming a full-time graduate student, I worked as a certified behavior technician and helped support children, youth, and young adults with a variety of educational, behavioral, and socio-emotional needs. I'm looking forward to becoming a supportive team member in a school community as a school psychologist.
Kelly Anne Jacka
My educational background is in marketing and fine arts; I currently manage a fine art frame shop, handling art for galleries, museums, and corporate/private collections. I discovered the field of school psychology through my desire to work with high school kids and work in mental health. I chose to pursue the career because it ties together my passion for helping others, creative problem solving, social justice, collaboration, and leadership.
Jenny Ko
Hello! My name is Jenny (she/her) and I am currently in my second year heading into practicum. I received my bachelor’s degree in psychology at the UW Seattle and worked as a certified behavior technician after graduating. I worked one-on-one with students in the school setting and in the home setting. I absolutely love working with children and seeing them grow! I look forward to working as a school psychologist and being an advocate for all students.
Caitlyn McCloskey
I am currently in my internship year of the School Psychology program here at Seattle University. I chose to pursue school psychology because I love the multifacetedness and flexibility that comes with this career. You can take an individualized approach with each, and every student based on their learning needs - which is not only the most effective way of supporting their education, but it also allows you to become the best advocate for each individual child.
Natalie Wong
I am a pre-practicum student in the School Psychology program and started Winter quarter 2021. My passion to become a School Psychologist has stemmed from my own first-hand experiences. I have personally struggled with my own learning disabilities and neurodivergence throughout my life. Through this, I developed a passion around advocacy, assessment, and accommodations to serve students with both visible and invisible disabilities.
Get in Touch
If you have any questions about the program or application, we’re here to help!
Ashley Miller
Senior Admissions Counselor