Activities and Clubs

There are many ways to become active in the Battalion. Although all these activities are voluntary they provide a good place to learn and develop your own leadership style.

Ranger Challenge

Ranger Challenge is an annual competition between the Army ROTC programs from different colleges and universities where 9-person teams compete against each other in various military skills events. These events include: the Army Physical Fitness Test, a hand grenade assault course, land navigation, constructing and crossing a 1-rope bridge, M-16 disassembly/ re-assembly, and a 10 kilometer ruck run.

Color Guard

The Color Guard is responsible for the presentation and retirement of the National Colors at various events including Seattle University ROTC events, Seattle U basketball games, and Seattle Mariners games.

Saber Arch

Saber arch is a small group of cadets who present the sabre arch for the graduating seniors at the military ball.

Cadet Council

The Cadet Council is the voice of the cadets in the battalion. The council also coordinates and manages community service events, battalion social events, and fund-raising activities.

University Clubs

Cadets are very active in university life alongside ROTC and often participate and lead student groups such as Orientation Advising staff, Spanish club, the SU concert choir, and many other campus groups.