Credit Earned in High School

Advanced Placement (AP)

Advanced placement in courses may be obtained through the Advanced Placement exams administered by the College Entrance Examination Board. College credit can be granted if the test scores earned meet Seattle University requirements.  Official examination results must be sent from the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) to the Office of the Registrar. Credit for advanced placement courses may not exceed 45 credits. Advanced Placement (75-16)

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Seattle University credits awarded for IB examinations are not considered to be transfer credits.  In general, students with "higher level" courses and examinations have been deemed to be eligible for course credit and advance standing with scores of 5, 6, or 7. Such credits fall within the 90 allowable in transfer from community colleges. International Baccalaureate (99-01)

Running Start

Running Start students who: a) graduate from high school in the same year as they begin their course of study at Seattle University, or b) are attending college for the first time since high school graduation, no matter when they graduated from high school will be considered "first-time freshmen" and eligibility for financial aid will include eligibility for any special scholarships reserved for such students. To receive credit, an official transcript from the Washington state community or technical college must be submitted to Seattle University. Running Start Students (92-01)