Immigration Summits
Eight Annual Immigration Summit: Uncharted Trails
In 2024, the Annual Immigration Summit welcomed keynote speaker Dr. Alejandro Olayo-Méndez, SJ, from Boston College’s School of Social Work. In addition to hearing from Dr. Olayo-Méndez, his gallery show “ In Search of a Dream” showcased photography documenting life on the border for migrants.
Seventh Annual Immigration Summit: Companions on the Journey
On the recent anniversary of his visit to Lampedusa, Pope Francis urged us to reflect on the question “Where is Your Brother?” and to see everyone who knocks on our door as “worthy of love, acceptance, and every care.” Considering the enduring plight of migrants, Pope Francis called for renewed solidarity. We, fellow Catholics, listened, learned, and celebrated ways to be a place of refuge for our brothers and sisters fleeing war, persecution, climate change, and violence.
Fourth Annual Immigration Summit: Hope in Solidarity
In 2020, the Annual Immigration Summit successfully transitioned online, offering a month-long exploration of immigrant challenges through videos and resources. Held from May 15 to June 15, the summit covered advocacy, DACA, spiritual resilience, mental health, and legal assistance, enriching participants' understanding and solidarity.