Tara Roth, MA
Associate Teaching Professor
I graduated from a small liberal arts college, Rockford University, in Rockford, Illinois where I majored in Political Science. I studied abroad at British American College, London where I interned in the British Parliament. I earned my MA in English Language and Literature from Western Illinois University, where I taught as a full-time instructor for two years prior to coming to Seattle U. I am a creative writer (2010 Jack Straw writer) and musician, and I enjoy working with students on their creative writing and recording projects.
Courses Taught
Teaching and Research Interests
I am a Senior Instructor in English. My primary interests are in teaching and service that relate directly to our students’ experiences at Seattle University. My background is primarily in rhetoric and composition, and my areas of interest include topics that relate to our Northwest community, dismantling racist systems, power and privilege, diversity, and inclusion. I teach several thematic writing courses in the Core, including, UCOR 1100, The Rhetoric of Art for Social Change; UCOR 1300, Writing Seattle: Local Narratives; and UCOR 1400, Literature and Music: Songs of Resistance.