Accounting Mentor Program

Seattle University's Accounting Mentor Program was launched to increase students’ interactions with professionals currently practicing in the accounting field and also serve as a networking tool for students and mentors alike.

Mentor and Student shaking hands

Kick-off Event for all Albers Mentor Programs

The Albers Mentor Fair is October 4, 2024, in the PACCAR Atrium, Pigott Building. The event starts at 5 pm with student orientation. More details are available on Handshake.

Connecting Students with Accounting Professionals 

For over 10 years, the Accounting Mentor Program has served the development needs of accounting undergraduate and graduate students whose vibrancy and diversity provide a rich and rewarding experience for our mentors. The program enhances the learning and development of our students. 
The Accounting mentors, many of whom are SU alumni, work in a variety of environments from industry positions and The Big Four to local and regional powerhouse accounting firms. The mentors are paired with one to two students and encouraged to meet every four to six weeks. 

The mentors offer invaluable career guidance, suggestions for the recruiting and interviewing process, professional insight to business issues, and professional development opportunities. Seattle University is fortunate to have alumni so willing to assist those currently pursuing their degree and without them this program would not be possible. We look forward to years of increased participation.

Jump to Overview for Mentors

Mentoring for Accounting Students

Being successful after graduation requires more than what you can learn in the classroom. It requires real on-the-ground experiences. The Accounting Mentor Program provides the ability to interact with accounting professionals in a variety of industries so that students can get a feel for what their careers may look like.  

The mentors offer invaluable career guidance, suggestions for the recruiting and interviewing process, professional insight to business issues, and professional development opportunities. Seattle University is fortunate to have alumni so willing to assist those currently pursuing their degree. Without them this program would not be possible. 

Getting Involved

If you wish to participate in the Accounting Mentor Program, please attend the Mentor Fair, which is usually held on the first Friday evening of October. At this event you can connect with the mentors and learn more about them before submitting your Mentor Selection Form.

Prior to the Mentor Fair, a Student Orientation session is offered. We encourage students to attend this session to gain more details about the structure and expectations of the Mentor Program. If you are unable to attend, several Make-Up Student Orientations are offered throughout October.

Mentor Selection Form

To officially join the program, submit a Mentor Selection Form before the due date provided.  

Mentor Program Overview

The Accounting Mentor Program is a highly acclaimed program that matches students with mentors who are currently practicing in the field of accounting. Mentors can offer valuable insight and experiences on various topics, such as the recruiting process, interviewing skills, and professional development. Students enjoy this opportunity to meet with seasoned mentors and gain from this valuable experiential learning opportunity.

The Accounting mentor program supports graduate students and undergraduate juniors and seniors from across the Albers accounting programs.

Building success in today's business climate requires more than scholarly academic pursuits. It requires knowledge of the business environment and the ability to negotiate within it.

  • Participants in the program have reported the following benefits:
  • Networking with professionals from your field/industry of interest
  • Receiving personal career advice and guidance
  • Experiencing firsthand how the theories discussed in class are applied in the real world 

No two mentors in our program are alike. They each bring their own style and personality to the relationship. Just as you will bring your own style and personality to the relationship. 

Typically you will work with your mentor and one or two other students to identify experiences and discussions that will help you to examine your career goals and aspirations.

Other opportunities gained through the Mentors Program include, but are not limited to: 

  • Exploration of new career fields
  • Learn more about the mentor’s company/industry
  • Gain connections through the mentor’s network
  • Learn how senior executives balance work life, community involvement, and family
  • Build a relationship not only with the mentor, but also with other students in your program

The program begins in early October and runs through mid-June. Participation in this program is completely voluntary. We recommend following these steps:

  • Identify your goals for the program 
  • Visit the Accounting Mentor List to read and research mentor profiles 
  • Attend the Student Orientation Session prior to the Mentor Fair to gain tips and info for a successful mentoring experience
  • Attend the Mentor Fair to meet and mingle with mentors
  • Review the recording of the Student Orientation Session on the Accounting Mentor Program website if you were not able to attend the Mentor Fair.
  • Submit your Mentor Selection Form by October 5 

Mentor placements will be completed by the end of October, and you will receive an e-mail with your mentor assignment. At that point your next steps are: 

  • Communicate with your group members to decide possible dates and times for your first meeting with your mentor
  • Designate a group leader to contact the mentor to set up the first meeting
  • In the first meeting, set group and individual goals for the year 
  • Keep the program coordinators updated about your experience, any problems, etc. 
  • Plan to meet with your mentor and group on a regular basis during the academic year.


Overview for Mentors

The Accounting Department is always recruiting mentors to participate in our program. We look for professionals who have an accounting background and are currently practicing in the accounting field. Accounting professionals in a variety of industries and backgrounds are welcome! We want our students to get an idea of the many careers they can access with an accounting degree. It is important that our mentors be committed to diversity and education and willing to share their experience.

Becoming a mentor is a great way to give back and make a difference in the professional development of Seattle University business students.

  • Mentors will be matched with 1-3 students.
  • The program begins in early October and runs through mid-June.
  • Mentors are asked to attend the Mentor Fair to meet the students (held on Sept. 29th). Beyond that, scheduling of meetings is at the convenience of the mentor and students.
  • Meet with mentor group usually every 4-6 weeks 
  • Juniors and Seniors in the Department of Accounting are eligible for the program
  • Able to work with less directed individuals and provide structure when needed
  • Have a teacher approach
  • Students are generally looking for a mentor who will address their individual concerns and questions, provide opportunities for career exploration.
  • Patience and flexibility
  • Need to be very approachable as undergraduates are more easily intimidated than graduate students
  • May be interacting with international students with little or no work experience
  • Meet with students every 4-6 weeks
  • Work with self-directed, self-motivated individuals within a group—may have to direct meeting content when individuals’ agendas 
  • Have an advisor, coach approach
  • Students are generally looking for well-connected mentors who can help them network
  • Patience and flexibility
  • Approachable and fairly accessible
  • May be dealing with international students with little or no work experience
  • Meet with students every 4-6 weeks. 
  • Opportunity to give back
  • Unique ability to help guide business graduate students and senior undergraduate students in their professional development and preparation for the business world or a specific industry
  • The opportunity to meet and network with other Puget Sound executives in a variety of industries and companies
  • Programs and events provided to support your mentor endeavors, help you connect with other mentors and hear speakers on a variety of business and leadership topics 

Mentor Information Form

Please fill out this form to complete or update your mentor profile. You may access your profile from last year on the Mentor List.