Continuing Education and Professional Training

We offer a variety of professional development opportunities for students, faculty, staff and community members throughout the year.

Upcoming Online Continuing Education Event

Biosocial Criminology: Why and How it Matters for Criminal Justice


May 9, 2025, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Free | Suggested Donation $25


All proceeds support continuing education, research, and service sponsored by the Seattle University Crime & Justice Research Center


  • Dr. Kevin Beaver, author of Biosocial Criminology, Florida State University
  • Dr. Todd Shackelford, author of The Evolution of Morality, Oakland University
  • Dr. Chris Ferguson, Co-author of Moral Kombat: Why the War on Violent Video Games is Wrong, Stetson University
  • Dr. Andrea Glenn, Co-author of Psychopathy: An Introduction to Biological Findings and their Implications, University of Alabama
  • Dr. Joseph Schwartz, author of numerous articles on biosocial criminology, traumatic brain injury, stress, and trauma, Florida State University
  • Dr. Bridget Joyner-Carpanini, author of articles on biosocial criminology and genetics and victimization, the link between callous and unemotional traits and aggressive behavior, and trait-based explanations of the victim/offender overlap, Seattle University
  • Dr. Jill Portnoy Donaghy, author of articles on crime and violence prevention, adolescent violent delinquency, child externalizing and internalizing behavior and parental well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic, RAND

Biosocial Criminology Event Flyer (PDF)

Questions? Email Dr. Jacqueline Helfgott.

Recent Past Events

An online event explored the fascinating intersection between technology, criminology, and criminal justice featuring:

Dr. Sanja Milivojevic, author of Crime and Punishment in the Future Internet, University of Bristol, United Kingdom

Dr. Anastasia Powell, Dr. Robin Cameron and Dr. Gregory Stratton, authors of Digital Criminology: Crime & Justice in Digital Society, RMIT University, Melbourne

Dr. Ray Surette, author of Copycat Crime and Copycat Criminals, University of Central Florida

Dr. J.B. Helfgott, author of Copycat Crime: How Media, Technology and Digital Culture Inspire Criminal Behavior and Violence, Seattle University

Keynote: "Digital Criminology," Anastasia Powell, Gregory Stratton, and Robin Cameron

Panel: "Copycat and Performance Crime," Ray Surette and Jacqueline B. Helfgott

Keynote: "Crime and Punishment in the Future Internet,"Sanja Milivojevic

Panel: "Police Smarter, Not Harder, Especially Now," Loren Atherley, Sr. Director of Performance Analytics, Seattle Police Department and Research, and Captain James Britt, Seattle Police Department

Watch Part 1

Watch Part 2

April 21, 2023

Implementing restorative and transformative principles and practices to heal community trauma and increase community safety and security.

The annual Seattle University Crime & Justice Research Center Online Continuing Education event featured topics of interest for professionals, students, faculty, and the public in a conversation about implementing restorative and transformative principles and practices for community safety.

The event was hosted virtually and you can watch the video here.

May 23, 4 p.m.

Carmen Best, former Seattle Police Chief, talked about her new book.

Using Theory, Research, and Activism to End Systemic Racism in the Criminal Legal System

Professor Angela J. Davis and contributing authors

An Online Continuing Education Event hosted on April 8, 2022

The event included a keynote presentation by Professor Davis with panel presentations by authors whose work appears in the book: Professor Kristin Henning, Blume Professor of Law and Director of the Juvenile Justice Clinic and Initiative at Georgetown Law, Ronald Wright, Associate Dean for Research and Academic Programs and Needham Yancey Gulley Professor of Criminal Law at West Forest Law, Renée Hutchins, Dean and Professor of Law at the University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law, Roger A. Fairfax, Jr., Dean and Professor of Law at American University Washington College of Law, Katheryn Russell-Brown, Levin, Mabie & Levin Professor of Law and Director of the Race and Crime Center for Justice at the University of Florida Levin College of Law, Tracey L. Meares, Walton Hale Hamilton Professor of Law and co-Founding Faculty Director of the Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School, Marc Mauer, Senior Advisor and former Director of The Sentencing Project, and Jin Hee Lee, Senior Deputy Director of Litigation and Director of Strategic Initiatives at the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. The authors discussed their chapters in Policing the Black Man, their current work, and how their work informs policy and practice in the criminal legal system.

Watch Part 1

Watch Part 2

Featuring Dr. David Garland

Online Continuing Education Event hosted March 5, 2021

David Garland is the author of Punishment and Modern Society, The Culture of Control, The Peculiar Institution. In this talk, Professor Garland explained the distinctive social structures that underpin both of these historical moments, showing how America’s political economy and welfare state generate criminal violence and related social problems while limiting the range of policy responses available to deal with them. America’s exceptional levels of violence and racialized penal control are shown to be two sides of the same social condition: deep inequality and a lack of social solidarity. Welfare state institutions, when they are universalistic and egalitarian, supply these vital social bonds. They provide citizens with security, they form interests in common, they build mutual trust, and they promote the “public interest” – in contrast to meritocracy and competitive markets which do precisely the opposite. By repeatedly choosing the market over the social state, America’s elites have enriched themselves while simultaneously reinforcing insecurity, inequality, resentments, and mutual distrust. The result is a nation able to embrace mass incarceration because millions of its own citizens are, in fact, distrusted and despised by majority sentiment.

Featuring Mikaela Rabinowitz

Online Continuing Education Event hosted February 2, 2022

The author discussed her book, which addresses an understudied fairness flaw in the criminal justice system. On any given day, approximately 500,000 Americans are in pretrial detention in the US, held in local jails not because they are considered a flight or public safety risk, but because they are poor and cannot afford bail or a bail bond. Over the course of a year, millions of Americans cycle through local jails, most there for anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. These individuals are disproportionately Black and poor.

Featured Speakers: Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking; Kirk Bloodsworth, Death Row Exoneree and Executive Director, Witness to Innocence; and Dan Satterberg, King County Prosecuting Attorney

Online Continuing Education Event hosted May 22, 2020

Additional Speakers from the Washington Innocence Project, Seattle University Department of Criminal Justice and School of Law, University of Washington Law, Societies & Justice, and Strange Fruit: Poems on the Death Penalty.


Sister Helen

Innocence Project

Mike Russo

Strange Fruit

Kirk Bloodsworth


Dan Satterberg

Discussion Panel

Wrap up