Our Community Map

Our Community

The Sundborg Center for Community Engagement (CCE) connects campus and community to empower leaders for a just and humane world. The connections CCE fosters are expansive, encompassing thousands of university students, faculty, staff, community partners, local residents, families and youth scholars. Since 2011, the Seattle University Youth Initiative (SUYI) has partnered with the City of Seattle, Seattle Housing Authority, Seattle Public Schools, dozens of community-based organizations and hundreds of residents to create a “cradle to career” pathway of support for youth and their families living in a two-square mile neighborhood adjacent to campus.

CCE aims to build capacity for social change in Seattle, engage scholars, students and faculty to learn and lead for a just and humane world, and to advance the field of community engagement in higher education. Our 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan provides the pathway that will guide our work and support us in accomplishing big goals with and for our community.