Imagining the World

Our annual international photo competition celebrates the global experiences of education abroad students, international students, and our faculty and staff.

Collage of winning photos

Imagining the World 2022-23 Exhibition

Through September 6

Lemieux Library, Second Floor

Each image in this exhibition tells a unique story, freezing moments in time which reflect the profound impact of the experiences of our students, staff, and faculty during their transformative cultural immersion trips abroad. From bustling cityscapes to serene landscapes, Imagining the World offers a glimpse into our global community’s diverse tapestry. So, come and immerse yourself in these captivating photographs and take the opportunity to witness the world through the eyes of our community.

Meet Our 2022-23 Award Winners

"We are proud that this exciting project has returned after a four-year hiatus. We were ready to host the 12th annual exhibition in April 2020, when the pandemic closed our doors. This edition is a testament not only to the university and college commitment to student engagement with global issues and communities, but it is also a testament to the energy and resiliency of our community." David V. Powers, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

The exhibition features a collection of 23 images made up of eight winners and 15 honorable mentions, which were selected out of a total of 145 photos submitted.

Interested in next year's competition?

Submissions open in the fall. Current Seattle University students, faculty and staff will be eligible to enter photos taken during 2024. Let us know if you'd like to be added to our email list.

Class of 2024, Photography with a Minor in French

"Boys of Dakar”, Senegal.

Photo of boys in Dakar

Photo of Hannah Sutherland

I studied the French language in different francophone speaking countries, and I found my camera to be another tool of communication. Learning a new language in a foreign country is challenging to say the least, but my photography was a way to tell stories where words failed to express. The headshot I have submitted was taken by my host sister (using my camera), Fatima age 6; she truly loved taking photos of absolutely everything.

Class of 2023, Economics and Political Science with Specialization in Legal Studies and Minors in Philosophy and English

“Royal Highland Festival”, Bhutan.

Photo of Royal Highland Festival in Bhutan

Sahil Bathjia in front of a sporting event

My experience in the Kingdom of Bhutan was unlike any other I have encountered. It was a privilege to explore what many believe to be the last Shangri-La and immerse myself into such a unique cultural heritage.

Class of 2024, Environmental Studies with Specialization in Politics, Policy, and Justice

“June at Work”, Sāmoa

Photo of woman sewing

Katlyn Wong holding flowers

Sāmoa touched me in ways that I cannot describe in such few words. This country is filled to the brim with people that are full of live and resilience, and the children are especially curious little rays of sunshine that reminded me of what it is like to be a kid again. These photos are just a glimpse of what life is like in Sāmoa, and they are a piece of my love letter to this beautiful country.

Class of 2024, Public Administration

“The World From Above” Utah, USA.

Photo of canyon in Utah

Photo of Shreshtha Alok

For me taking photographs is a way of reflecting over my thoughts and perception of the world that resides inside me. The photos that I am submitting are from a road trip of the Southwest that I took in 2023 summers. These photos try to depict how I absorbed the nature with my comprehensions.

Class of 2025, English and Minor in Theatre

“Where Do I Want To Go?” New York, USA. 

Photo of streetlamp and signs against building lit in blue

Photo of Rinko Tsuchiya

I came to Seattle in September 2023 to begin living abroad for the first time in my life. With a mixture of anticipation and anxiety, I am excited about life in America and am now, and will continue to be, expanding my possibilities more and more. Now that I have been in Seattle for four months, I am on a journey to find the meaning of “living in America” through travelling to various places.

Class of 2025, Political Science

“Relationships” Washington, USA

Photo of pipes against a window

Kana Komoto at a table with food

On the plane to Seattle, I was crying. Without my family, without my friends. I was alone. The shadow of myself standing on my own feet in the sunset cheered me up. Four months later, I finally know I am not alone now. Sunsets over the sea remind me of my family and friends across the ocean. I can’t see them but they are there. And I have sweet and kind friends who see the sunsets with me. Thanks to their help, I am able to be standing on my feet now in Seattle. And, I am not alone. This is my experience.

Associate Professor, International Studies and Director, Latin American and Latinx Studies

“Hubo Genocidio (Yes there was a genocide)”, Guatemala

Photo of artwork on wall and people in procession

Photo of Serena Cosgrove

The photo I am submitting is from Holy Week 2022 in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. This was the first time after COVID that the Holy Week processions had resumed and was very special for all involved. I was in Guatemala at the time carrying out research about women’s activism to end gender-violence in the post civil war period. The civil war went from 1960-1996 and 200,000 died, 83% of who were Indigenous Maya.

Professor, Department Of Management and Department of Philosophy

“Rooftops of Seville”, Spain.

Photo of rooftops in Seville, Spain

Photo of Marc Cohen

All of these photographs were taken in Spain, where I attended the International Association of Jesuit Business Schools conference, July 2023. The conference was hosted by Loyola University Andalusia, which has campuses in Seville and Cordóba. The complex historical connections between the different religious communities-periods of peaceful coexistence and also conquest/request — were visible in the cities and the buildings. It was a perfect setting for a conference focused on the future of Jesuit business education in a pluralistic world.

More about this year's competition

David Powers continued, “While managed within the College of Arts and Sciences, this competition celebrates students and faculty from across the university. We are very appreciative of our deeper campus collaboration with the Office of Global Engagement and Lemieux Library." 

“Our office is excited and honored to partner with the College of Arts and Sciences and Lemieux Library to re-launch the “Imagining the World” project” Said Laura Spitz, Vice Provost for Global Engagement. “As a Jesuit university in the heart of an incredibly globally engaged region of the world, our aim is to educate the whole person—by cultivating the qualities of curiosity, respect, collaboration, reciprocity, humility, and service—toward the goal of creating truly global leaders for a just and humane world. This competition reflects and captures the spirit of that commitment.”

We would like to thank our partners who helped us greatly with this project:

  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • Education Abroad
  • Office of Global Engagement
  • Lemieux Library
  • International Student Center

View and Purchase Past Exhibition Books

With the program in hiatus between 2020 and 2021, we created a special edition of past photos.

(Image links to the preview and purchase site for each book.)

Book cover with collage of photos

Book cover with photo of woman and man with a large swan

Book cover with photo of woman covered in confetti

Book cover with photo of a man leading a horse in the street

Book cover with photo of two people on a snowy mountain at night with stars

Book cover with photo of three boys with bicycle

Book cover with two boys sitting on stone windowsill

Book cover with photo of woman silhouetted again patterned window

Book cover with photo of man planting

Book cover with young boy in shirt and tie raising his hand

Book cover with photo of artwork containing television and pictures

Book cover with photo of man in crowd balancing soccer ball on head

Cover of book with photo of man standing in a crowd and text