Add a review notification


How to add a review notification (to remind you to update content) in TerminalFour


Do you have a difficult time remembering to update time-sensitive content on your Seattle U website?

You can add a "review date" to a content item, and TerminalFour will send you an email reminder on the date and time you've specified to remind you to review and update that specific content item.

Add a review notification in TerminalFour

  • Navigate to and open a content item where you wish to add a review notification
  • Click over to the "Options" tab

Screenshot of how to add a review notification in TerminalFour, under the Options tab

  • Click into the "Review date" field and use the date picker to select a specific day and time when you want TerminalFour to send you a reminder to review the content item.

Screenshot of the T4 date picker

  • Then hit 'save changes' or 'save and approved'

When the specified day/time approaches, you will get an email from (which is also the default sender for email notifications from TerminalFour) with a reminder to review that piece of content, including a link to edit the content item.