Referring Students of Concern to the CARE Team

Posted: October 6, 2022

By: Dean of Students

The Coordinated Assistance and Resource Education Team (CARE Team) receives and responds to referrals from the campus community about specific student behaviors or short-term life circumstances that create barriers to student success or threats to the safety and security of the student and/or the university community. Please visit the CARE Team page of the Office of the Dean of Students website for more information. Colleagues who are concerned about a student should submit a referral by visiting the CARE Team referral form. In an emergency, please call the Department of Public Safety at 206-296-5911.

What Types of Concerns Should I Refer?

The CARE Team receives nearly 500 referrals each year, ranging from basic needs concerns to life-threatening situations. Common referrals include concerns about mental health, stress, basic needs (e.g., food security, housing security), chronic health conditions, head injuries, interpersonal conflicts, homesickness, grief support, and more. Identifying students of concern early allows us to intervene and provide resources as soon as possible.

What Happens When I Refer a Student?

Your referral will be reviewed and assigned to a member of the CARE Team, who will typically initiate outreach to the student with information about resources and an opportunity to meet within 3 business days. If you would like to discuss your concerns before we reach out to the student, please request contact in your referral. Urgent concerns about student health and safety should be first directed to the Department of Public Safety at 206-296-5911 to initiate immediate follow up.

Questions about the CARE Team can be directed to Dr. James Willette, Associate Provost & Dean of Students, at or by calling the Office of Student Development at 206-296-6060.