News and Events

New Collaborative Online International Learning in UCOR 1800

Written by Brenda Bourns, Ph.D.
November 29, 2021

Biology Department Senior Instructor Brenda Bourns teamed up with Professor Marvin Torrez of Universidad Centroamericana (UCA) - our sister University in Managua, Nicaragua - to develop an online collaboration between a UCOR Inquiry Seminar and an Introductory Biology class. COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) is a burgeoning pedagogy designed to give students a meaningful online intercultural experience. Students from SU’s UCOR 1800 Health and Disease teamed up with students from UCA’s Introductory Cell Biology in small groups to explore one another’s country’s response to covid and covid vaccinations, and grapple with the question of whether SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes covid) would be expected to have any impacts on human evolution. SU Students were able to overcome language and time zone barriers to develop meaningful connections with their counterparts in Nicaragua and to enhance their classroom learning while bringing their learning to bear on a timely issue of global import.