Pastoral Care

For students who are feeling stressed, adjusting to life changes, or “just need someone to talk to”…


Pastoral care for you

Campus Ministry offers spiritual accompaniment for undergraduate, graduate, and law students who wish to deepen their relationship to their faith and become more attuned to the movements of their spiritual life over an extended perid of time through conversation with a spiritual companion.

A student looks out over a lake surrounded by evergreen trees in a reflective moment on Outdoor Retreat.

Support for All

Campus Ministry welcomes undergraduate, graduate, and law students to seek emotional and spiritual support from a member of the Campus Ministry team or other ministry partners at any point during their time at SU. We welcome your full identity into these one-on-one conversations and hope to be a companion to you in navigating emotions and challenges. 

Students from all philosophical, religious, secular, or spiritual identities are invited to meet with Campus Ministers as they process life experiences which include, but are not limited to: the transition to college or other life adjustments, grief and loss, life direction and purpose, academic stress, interpersonal challenges, identity exploration, finding community, and spiritual/religious questions and practices. If a student seeks further specialized support or additional resources, our team works closely with other departments on campus to get students connected. 

A brown autumn leaf against a rainy window with trees in the background

Getting Connected

If a student seeks further specialized support or additional resources, our team works closely with other departments on campus to get students connected. 

Resident Ministers are staff and faculty who live as members of our undergraduate residence halls and are an extension of the Campus Ministry team. Resident Ministers are available for ongoing, holistic support to students in the residence halls. 

Students are welcome to walk into the Campus Ministry office (STCN 120) Mon-Fri, 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. or submit a request through the online form below to set up an appointment with a Campus Minister. 

If you or someone around you is experiencing an emergency or are in a crisis, please call one of the numbers below to get in touch with someone right away: 

Spiritual Accompaniment Defined

What you talk about in your time with the spiritual director will go no further.

Campus Ministry offers confidential support for students who have experienced dating violence, sexual misconduct, or sexual assault. For more information on on-campus resources for survivors of sexual assault, including a list of confidential resources, visit the Office of Institutional Equity. 

An effective spiritual director always carries hope for you and gently nudges you toward the wisdom and grace God is already pouring into your life. 

A wise spiritual director recognizes that God speaks to people in many different ways. The spiritual companion listens to you describe your experience as it makes sense to you, in words and phrases that are meaningful to you. Although he or she may help you connect your experience with spiritual concepts such as grace or the movement of the Holy Spirit, there’s no attempt to rewrite your experience to be anything other than what it is.

An attentive spiritual director will notice if you appear to be physically, emotionally, or mentally ill and will encourage you to get the support you need. In other words, a spiritual director recognizes that she is not your social worker or psychiatrist and will not try to fill those roles. 

Read more about what Campus Ministry can offer you through our Spiritual Accompaniment.


Want to talk to learn more?

Contact Megan Kush, Campus Minister for Pastoral Care

Megan Kush (she/her)

Megan's Bio Pic