Reset to Default Button

Video Guide

This video is a How To guide of the Reset to Default button in InformSU reports.


  • Identify features of applying the button
  • Demonstrate Apply Reset to Default Button in sample report
  • Identify situations where Reset to Default button is applicable


Written Guide

Features of applying the Reset to Default button

  • Resets slicers to their default status
  • Some slicers may be applied by default by Power BI Developer
  • If greyed, report is in default state

Steps to apply Reset to Default Button in a report

    1. Locate Reset to Default Button in top right corner
    2. Identify applied slicers in report
    3. Apply Reset to Default Button
    4. Confirm button was applied (should be greyed out)
    5. Confirm slicers have been reset

    Situations where Reset to Default button could be applicable

    • Resetting to a clean slate (after applying multiple slicers or revisiting a report after some time)
    • To confirm a path back to a specific piece of information
    • Comparing the default state to a bookmarked