Power BI Training Documents

InformSU-guided Power BI Trainings and Tutorials


 An interactive PowerPoint that provides an introductory walk-through to the use of Power BI in the context of InformSU, including addressing questions of: accessing and logging into a Power BI report, navigating the main features of the reporting platform, and addressing some of the most frequently asked questions about report use in Power BI.  Please note that this link is a file download.


Covering some of the same topics as in the interactive tutorial, this document explains the process of logging into Power BI, provides an overview of the tools provided by Power BI, and explains the steps to accessing a report.


This document describes the steps necessary to view student data in reports where drill-through capabilities are enabled.


The InformSU Power BI Advanced User Training is geared towards those interested in building custom Power BI reports sourcing from local files or published InformSU datasets. The data source for this example report is an excel file based on multiple years of student snapshot data which includes various student demographic fields and randomly generated academic performance metrics. Student IDs are also randomly generated to maintain student anonymity. Report builders will first learn about data cleaning and will then merge multiple sources into one master table. Report visuals present longitudinal summary data while also allowing users to drill down into more granular student level data. Slicers and visual cross filtering gives users the ability to focus in on specific student populations. This session is meant to introduce report builders to a variety of data visualization techniques which they can build on to produce reports which serve their specific data needs.




 Microsoft-guided Power BI Trainings and Suggested Tutorials


Microsoft has published a large repository of documentation about Power BI and its many functions. This is a good starting point for a very high-level explanation of the reporting platform.


This is a handy walk-through the capabilities of the Power BI platform, including exporting data, cross-highlighting and cross-filtering, and showing the data used to create a visualization.


This tutorial explains how to use slicers, filters, and drilldowns as well as how to sort data in a Power BI report in order to highlight the data elements or trends of interest.


Explore any Microsoft-provided Power BI tutorial topic, including exploring data, utilizing visualizations, and data analysis in Power BI.