
Meeting Summary for July 16, 2019

July 16, 2019

Campaign Media Plan: Scott McClellan reviewed with the Cabinet a number of media plan options to consider as it relates to the launch pf the public phase of the campaign. Discussion followed. No decision was made as to which option would be approved until additional information is provided in regards to the outcomes and budget.

Willows Retreat: The Cabinet considered agenda items for its August retreat. The first day will include a joint session with the Deans followed by a session with the Strategic Planning Steering Committee (SPSC) in the afternoon. A more detailed draft of the agenda will be shared at the next Cabinet meeting.

July 23 Cabinet Meeting with SPSC: Jen Marrone, co-chair of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee, and Bob Dullea talked with the Cabinet regarding the upcoming joint meeting on July 23 of Cabinet and SPSC. The desired outcomes for the meeting would be for Cabinet to have an awareness of process going forward through November when the final plan will be brought forth to the Board of Trustees, and to find the right way to move forward on the identification of developmental and potential breakout strategies. Discussion followed.