eDoula our latest Founder Friday!

January 31, 2023

We are excited to share our latest Founder Friday event with the participation of Dr. Bettina Paek! Her expertise in Maternal-Fetal Medicine and her desire to help expecting mothers in need resulted in the eDoula mission: Childbirth Re-imaniged, empowering families with great birth teams.

eDoula is a revolutionary new app that aims to provide accessible and affordable doula services to expectant parents. Doulas are trained professionals who provide emotional, physical, and informational support to families during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. They are an invaluable resource for parents, but unfortunately, doula services can be expensive and not always accessible to everyone. This is where eDoula comes in, an app that connects expectant parents with certified doulas in their area, allowing them to receive the support they need at an affordable price. The app was founded by Dr. Bettina Paek, a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist who has seen firsthand the benefits of doula support for her patients.

Dr. Paek is a passionate advocate for women's health and reproductive rights. When she saw the need for a more accessible and affordable way for expectant parents to receive doula support, she created eDoula. Filling this gap, she has made progress in making sure that all families have the opportunity to benefit from the support and guidance of a doula. eDoula offers a wide range of services, including virtual and in-person support, lactation consulting, and childbirth education classes. The app also provides access to a network of certified doulas who have undergone extensive training and are committed to providing the highest quality of care to their clients.

One of the unique features of eDoula is its focus on creating a personalized experience for each family. The app allows expectant parents to select the doula that best fits their needs and preferences, and it provides a secure platform for communication between doulas and clients. Overall, eDoula is a fantastic resource for expectant parents looking for affordable and accessible doula support. With its innovative app and commitment to providing personalized care, eDoula is revolutionizing the way families receive doula services. Dr. Bettina Paek and her team are making a real difference in the lives of families and helping to ensure that all parents have the support and guidance they need during this important time. We are proud to have had her back on campus after her success in the 2019 Harriet Stephenson Business Plan Competition!

Portrait of Bettina Paek, MD, MBA