Degrees Offered

Bachelor of Arts: Major / Minor

More than 400 million people are native speakers of Spanish, coming in second after Mandarin in terms of global population. An official language of the United Nations and the European Union, Spanish is the most popular second language learned by native American English speakers. We are deeply invested in the professional formation of our students and that is why we have advanced classes focused on translation and interpretation, methodology for teaching Spanish as well as other courses that will hone your skills in the language and cross-cultural competency. Our Spanish program gives you the opportunity to learn the Spanish language and explore the traditions, literatures, film and arts of Spanish speaking countries in the classroom, on campus, and abroad.

In the Spanish section, we are proud to offer our students our faculty-led Latin American Studies Program in Puebla, Mexico. LASP has been successfully running for 30 consecutive years and more than 500 students have participated in it. Being a part of LASP means to cross the border to go meet your neighbor and establish meaningful personal and intellectual connections with their people and culture. Students can earn credits toward a major or minor in Spanish, a minor in Latin American Studies, or a major in International Studies. During the spring quarter of LASP, credits can also be earned for UCOR 3400 and 3600.

Learn more about the Latin American Study Program (LASP) here.

Intensive Spanish courses are offered during the summer.

Program Summary

Career Readiness/Skills Inventory

Being “career-ready” means that you’ve developed a range of skills that you can transfer to different settings once you graduate. At Seattle U, we take your career readiness seriously, so we’ve created an inventory and program-level map for you to help you see what skills you’re likely to practice in your major or, as in this case, as you study your first year of a language.

Learn more and find your program map here.

Formal application through the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures is required

Contact Us

Noelle Hardman
Administrative Assistant

Sonia Barrios Tinoco


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