Estimated Cost Comparison Calculator

Compare the cost of studying abroad to being in Seattle! 

Fill-in the estimate costs of your program compared to costs of being in Seattle during the same period term. Factor-in your applicable financial aid to determine the difference in out-of-pocket expenses.

Note: do not use punctuation when using the calculator or it will not work properly. For example, if you spend approximately $3000 on housing, input 3000 in the housing field. 


  Item Education Abroad Type Estimated amount of Education Abroad Program Estimated amount at SU
1 Application Fee Sponsored & Non-SU ONLY N/A
2 SU Tuition per term Sponsored, Faculty-led & Exchange ONLY
3 SU Technology Fee ALL Programs
4 SU Recreation Fee N/A N/A
5 SU Program Fee Sponsored, Faculty-Led ONLY N/A
6 Credit Transfer Fee Non-SU ONLY N/A
7 Non-SU Program Cost (tuition, fees, etc.) Non-SU ONLY
8 Books/Materials ALL Programs
9 Housing ALL Programs
10 Food ALL Programs
11 Airfare ALL Programs
12 Local Transportation ALL Programs
13 Personal Spending ALL Programs
14 Medical/Travel Insurance ALL Programs
15 Passport ALL Programs N/A
16 Visa ALL Programs N/A
17 Emergency Funds ALL Programs
18 Other ALL Programs
Total Program Costs $0 $0
19 Federal & State Aid ALL Programs
20 SU Scholarships & Grants Sponsored, Faculty-Led & Exchange ONLY

*Only 1 quarter of SU aid per term abroad*

21 Other Aid Varies
Total Aid Applied $0 $0
Out of Pocket Expenses (Program cost minus aid) $0 $0
Expense Difference $0