Committee for Librarian Evaluation and Promotion (CLEP)


  • Stephanie Wilson (Chair)
  • Rick Block
  • Lydia Bello
  • Kyle Brown
  • LeighAnne Thompson


Committee Information Sheet


Evaluates the performance of a librarian candidate eligible for promotion, and provides a written recommendation to the Dean of the Lemieux Library, or the Law Library Director and the Law School Dean, for transmittal to the President through the Provost. Receives documentation for promotion, and advises candidate of file status. 

Committee actions must be consistent with the Librarian Evaluation and Promotion Working Documents documents (Criteria for Library Faculty Promotion, Rank Qualifications, and Reappointment; Separation of Employment; Standards for Promotion in Rank of Library Faculty; Timeline for Evaluation and Promotion of Library Faculty; Guidelines for File Preparation and Presentation; and Electronic Promotion File Guidelines). Proposed changes to these working documents must be submitted to the Committee for referral to, and consideration by, the Committee of the Whole (all full-time library faculty). Approval of changes is by simple majority vote. All changes to the Working Documents must be submitted to the Dean of the Lemieux Library, Law Library Director, Law School Dean, and the Provost for approval.


Advisory to the President through the Provost via the Dean of the Lemieux Library, or the Law Library Director and Law School Dean. 


To be called by the Chair in response to 1) a notice of request for promotion from the candidate, or 2) a proposed change to the Standing Committee Information Sheet and/or Librarian Evaluation and Promotion Working Documents. A quorum of three is required to conduct Committee business and a simple majority of members present is needed to pass on Committee business. All Committee members (with the exception of those disqualified for conflict of interest) are required during consideration of, and voting on, candidates’ files.


Composed of five library faculty: 

  • Chair (rotated annually between Lemieux library faculty and law library faculty)
  • Two Lemieux library faculty
  • Two law library faculty

One of the library faculty is elected by the Committee to serve as Secretary. The Secretary maintains official minutes that form the permanent record of the Committee.

If one or more members of the Committee becomes unable to serve due to disqualification for conflicts of interest or otherwise, or if any member of the Committee resigns or becomes unavailable due to illness or other circumstances, the remaining members of the Committee will have discretion to proceed in a manner they deem appropriate. 


Committee members must currently hold a full-time librarian position at Seattle University. It is preferred that full-time experience include one year within the Seattle University library system.

Elections and Terms

Committee member nominations must be submitted by April 15, with the election of Committee members taking place no later than May 1 of the same year.  The Dean of the Lemieux Library and the Law Library Director or their designees, have sole responsibility to initiate and supervise the election process.

The Committee Chair position rotates annually between the Lemieux library faculty and the law library faculty. The Lemieux library faculty will elect the Chair for the A.A. Lemieux Library’s rotational years; the law library faculty will elect the Chair for the Law Library’s rotational years.

The Committee’s term year begins on May 1 and ends on April 30 of the following year. All full-time library faculty are eligible to vote for the Chair serving during their library’s rotational year; Committee members are elected by all full-time library faculty. 

Minutes Distribution

Sent to the committee members and become part of the permanent Committee records residing with the Committee Chair. Deliberations on candidate files are confidential and therefore not part of the official Committee minutes.

Executive Summary

Under the direction of the Chair and the advice of the Committee members, an executive summary is distributed to the Committee of the Whole by May 1. The executive summary will highlight the year’s activity and outline unfinished business. The executive summary becomes a part of the permanent Committee record residing with the Chair.

Maintenance of Documents

The working documents of the Committee will be maintained by the Chair on the shared University drive or other appropriate online repository for University documents. It is the Chair’s responsibility to distribute all working documents (Standing Committee Information Sheet, General Criteria for Appointment and Promotion of Library Faculty, Standards for Promotion in Rank of Library Faculty, Timeline for Evaluation and Promotion of Library Faculty, Guidelines for File Preparation and Presentation, and Electronic Promotion File Guidelines) as needed to the Committee of the Whole.

Chair or Contact Person/Telephone Number

Dean of the Lemieux Library
Law Library Director


The former Librarian Evaluation Committee was overhauled by a joint committee of Law and Lemieux Library librarians in the academic year 1997-1998. The documents that resulted were forwarded to both the Provost and the Faculty Handbook Review Committee for review and approval.